

OPN Connect Newsletter 58 · April 5, 2018

Chamae: A promising, alternative fertilizer benefits the soil, the plant, the farmer and the planet

In the organic produce industry, a successful operation using sustainable practices also supports long term goals for the environment. Many factors, natural and man-made, can create a nutrient-poor soil that inhibits a crop’s vitality. Fertilizers that add nutrients to the plant may be helpful, but overuse will eventually deplete the quality of the soil.

An alternative fertilizer, Chamae, has been introduced on the market after twelve years of testing. The product is an organic, natural fertilizer, created in Spain. It differs from traditional fertilizers in that it doesn’t directly add nutrient units but works to activate the plant’s natural mechanisms and regenerate the soil.

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“Chamae feeds the plants and stimulates the microorganisms in the existing soil,” said Christopher Rogers, CEO of Chamae USA. “It gets microorganisms that are not necessarily active to become part the of plant’s metabolic activity, helping the plant to take full advantage of these microorganisms, to make all the plant’s activities very efficient. “

Chamae is now being used on over 400,000 acres worldwide. Rogers recognized its potential after his partner began using it on his crops. Rogers said, “Jose Maria Clerigues came across Chamae at a trade show in Spain. He started using it on his onion, garlic and citrus farms in Chile with tremendous success.” They are currently importing and distributing Chamae in the USA, Canada, Mexico and select countries in Central and South America. It is effective in all eco-systems but is particularly beneficial to poor soil conditions and areas with high salinity.

Made from plant tissue and material, Chamae is Certified Organic and Ecological for standards in Europe, Japan and the United States. The liquid bio-activator is also suitable for use in conventional agriculture, permaculture, hydroponics, biodynamic farming and to reduce growing time in seed beds and nurseries.

Rogers said other economic benefits in using Chamae include the reduced the use of other fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, and lowering input costs by as much as 20 percent. The produce also shows potential in extending shelf-life.

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“Thanks to its mechanism of action, Chamae provides products that are much more natural and balanced, with greater vigor and structure in their tissues. This varies by crop but we have experienced a shelf-life increase by as much as 30 days. There is less shrinkage at retail, greater value with consumers and greater returns to the grower,” Rogers said.

Chama has shown an outstanding response in fruit trees, olive groves and vineyards due to the fast bio-activation in large roots. Rogers recalled one instance. 

“In Spain, a clementine farm of about 150 acres was slated to be cut down due to poor performance and poor health of the trees from the soil conditions, “ Rogers said. “Our team toured this ranch and convinced the farm to try Chamae for one season. It worked, and the trees returned to full health and production.”  

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Chamae has also created a line of products specifically for cannabis crops. The all-natural formula is designed to strengthen the plant throughout the different phases of growth. This results in a healthier plant that produces higher yields with larger buds.

The environment also gets a boost from Chamae. The plant’s need for nitrogen is decreased while its absorption level increases. Fewer fertilizers and chemicals are needed for crops which reduces groundwater pollution and soil toxicity.

All of these benefits feed into the company’s greater mission. Rogers says, “Chamae is the embodiment of our vision for long-term sustainable farming, where farming returns to the efficient simplicity of what is natural. Chamae helps provide farms of all sizes with a sustainable, natural fertilizer program where they increase production with fewer chemicals, and at the same time, make a real difference in reducing their carbon footprint.”

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