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Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #140Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #140

November 7, 2019

2 Min Read
Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow

1. Hawaii Nonprofit Leverages Farming to Serve Homeless and Disabled

Tour guide Kristen Jamieson welcomes a group of servers and cooks from a local restaurant who have driven an hour from town for a tour of Kahumana Farms. Soon this group will meet the farm’s chickens, learn about its nutrient-dense (and painstaking to manage) soil – vertisol – and sample sweet carrots freshly ripped from the ground. 

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2. Stemilt Growers Launches Online Courseware Series

When we think of farm to fork, we often conjure an image of fruits being plucked from the tree and plopped onto our plate. This is a lofty ideation of what farm to fork means, as said fruit must be passed between many hands before arriving at the table. That being said, it’s integral that team members throughout the supply chain receives the same training as farmers in the field.

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3. Somerset's Organic Farmers Could Be 'Decimated' in Event of No-Deal Brexit

Organic producers in Somerset could be "decimated" in the event of a no-deal Brexit due to rules about how such food is certified. At present, UK organic farmers can export their produce to the European Union provided they meet certain standards.

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4. How Regenerative Agriculture and Organic Farming Helps the Earth

Last month, PBS published an article that explored how more organic farming could worsen global warming. The article discusses a recent study, which predicts that a shift to 100% organic food production in the U.K. could result in higher greenhouse gas emissions.

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5. Organic Trade Association Announces Webinar on NOSB Fall Meeting

The Organic Trade Association is hosting a briefing on the important fall meeting of the National Organic Standards Board in a live webinar on November 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern. The webinar will feature regulatory experts to explain the issues discussed at the meeting and answer any questions from stakeholders.

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