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Seen and Heard at OPS 2023 - Part 2

July 27, 2023

3 Min Read
Seen and Heard at OPS 2023 - Part 2

OPS attendees gathered together in Monterey, California, to attend educational sessions, keynote presentations, and a trade show exhibition featuring 170 organic growers, shippers, and processors showcasing their fresh produce items. See and hear what attendees had to say at OPS 2023!

Retailer attendees at the Braga Fresh field tour

Panelists Dana Brennan, Roland Harmon, and John McKeon in "The Value of Sustainability Compliance" ed session

“This was my first year at OPS, and I came early to visit some growers in the Central Valley, which tied in nicely. I really liked how the show did a great job of spreading out companies in similar categories across the show floor and look forward to returning!” - Robert Backer, The Giant Company

Mark Hartwell and Kris Kaczmarczyk of Giorgio Fresh Company walking into the opening reception

Jeff Salchenberg of New Seasons Market meeting with Suzette Overgaag of North Shore Living

OPS attendees during the Driscoll's field tour

“This is a great show, and it’s absolutely packed. They may have to go to a lottery system if they are going to keep it at this location. And they should keep it here because the location is magic.” - Stephen Paul, Homegrown Organic Farms

Philip Karp, Soli Organic; Eric Cusimano, Whole Foods Market; and Todd Linsky, TLC having a great time during their ed session "CEA: Where Do We Grow from Here?"

Lots of great conversations happening on the trade show floor

John McKeon speaking during the Earthbound Farm field tour

“The Braga farm tour was an amazing experience. It was great to see their cutting-edge innovation working together with their longtime family heritage—a great group of passionate people committed to delivering a great variety of passionate products.” - Greg Lehr, Straub's Markets

Moderator and panelists for the keynote presentation "Retailer Roundtable: What Lies Ahead for Fresh Produce and Grocery Marketing"

OPS attendees enjoying the nice Monterey weather during the opening reception

Members of SpartanNash and Hollywood Markets visiting with the Soli Organic booth

"OPS is a hub for standout creative marketing and great, productive energy within its networking spaces. Each year, we see all our target customers, all our industry friends, and take away inspiration for how we can be better organic marketers and ambassadors. We are OPS loyal!" - Dani Violante

Keynote speaker Ryan Begin, Divert

Panelists for the ed session "Change is Coming: Getting Fresh Produce Ready for the New Organic Enforcement Rule"

Learning all about berries on the Driscoll's field tour

“As a first-time OPS attendee, I had very high expectations as I had heard amazing things about the summit. I was not disappointed! I was able to gain added insight into the organic produce industry—and will bring back actionable insights for our company and valued customers—[and] strengthened our relationships with our vendor partners. A true win-win! - Jake Cadwallader, Stater Bros. Markets

Members of H Mart meeting with Josh Leichter of Pacific Trellis Fruit/Dulcinea Farms

Panelists for the ed session "The Shifting Organic Assortment at Retail"

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