Weekly Top 5: Organic News You Need to Know #51Weekly Top 5: Organic News You Need to Know #51
February 15, 2018

Trump's FY19 Budget Plan Wipes Out Organic Research
Source: Sustainable Food News
The Trump administration's FY2019 budget proposal seeks to slash 16 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's discretionary spending budget by eliminating several programs that support organic and sustainable farming, as well as cutting farm bill investments by $260 billion.
Household Usage of Organic Foods Climbs to 30% in Seven Years
The number of consumers seeking out and purchasing organic foods or products with clean labels continues to rise, with the products seems as healthier, more nutritious and more environmentally friendly, says the new report “The Organic and Clean Labl Food Consumer in the US” by Packaged Facts.
Bipartisan Organic Research Funding Bill Introduced in Senate
Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bob Casey (D-PA) have joined together to introduce the Organic Agriculture Research Act in the Senate. The bill will renew the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI), the USDA’s flagship organic research program, and increase the funding annually over the life of the next Farm Bill.
Read more here.
FMI Cites Concerns With Administration's FY2019 Budget SNAP Proposal
Food Marketing Institute (FMI) Chief Public Policy Officer Jennifer Hatcher responded today to the
Administration’s 2019 budget proposal
saying: “The section in the President’s 2019 Budget entitled ‘Reforming the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)’ certainly makes major changes, but not changes that SNAP-authorized food retailers see as positive or even efficient.
Hartman Research Group Releases Transformation of the American Meal Report
Most consumers’ eating routines are still defined by breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Consumers adapt their mealtime priorities to fit their needs, which vary by individual, household, and even by the day. Key needs include getting everyone fed, health and wellness, pleasing all palates, social connection, and enjoyment of food/cooking. Here’s a snapshot of key insights about these mealtimes, on average, through the week from our
Transformation of the American Meal 2017
See the report here.
“We know there is a demand for it. Everyone is looking at organics, it can be a very strong point of differentiation for Vallarta and the other supermarkets catering to the Latino community."
Bob Rapp
Director of Produce
Vallarta Supermarkets