Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #136Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #136
October 10, 2019

1. Amazon’s Innovator Making Farmer’s Lives Easier
In an era of weed resistance and public concern over chemical use, one company is quite literally making waves: Rootwave is using electricity to zap weeds – but things are only just getting started.
2. Wisconsin Co-op Attempting World’s Largest Fair Trade Produce Display
Willy Street Co-op in Madison, Wisconsin, has announced it will be attempting the world’s largest display of Fair Trade Produce for Fair Trade Month, Co-op Month, and Owner Appreciation Week. Bananas and avocados will be stacked to the ceiling for the event at Willy West in Middleton, and it’s all for a great cause.
3. Taking A Bigger Slice of the Premium Apple Segment with Envy
The Envy™ apple is poised to deliver on shopper demand for the “ideal eating experience” * with beautifully balanced sweetness, orchard fresh crispness and delightful satisfying crunch, 365 days a year.
4. New Collaboration to Deliver a National Agenda for Organic Research
Organic Seed Alliance and the Organic Farming Research Foundations (OFRF) are pleased to be among the recipients of the U.S. Departments of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awards announced last week.
5. Gladstone Land Acquires Nebraska Farms for Organic Production
Gladstone Land Corporation announced that it has acquired approximately 3,850 acres of farmland located in Hayes ad Hitchcock Counties, Nebraska, for approximately $14.7million. The farms currently grow corn, soybeans, and edible beans, and both farms will be converted into organic farmland by 2021.