Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #129Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #129
August 22, 2019

1. A Price Subsidy for Organic Fruits: Good Economics, or Not?
The benefits of organic foods, from sustainable production to improved health, are generally accepted. And so is their greater cost. At a Lewiston grocery story, for example, blueberries sell for $2.50 a pint, while an organic option costs $10 a pint.
2. OTA: Organic Stakeholder Feedback Needed
This year, the NOSB will vote on whether to continue the allowance of several of the fertilizers, pest control products, livestock treatments, processing aids, and ingredients currently allowed for use by certified organic operations.
3. IFOAM Global Policy Toolkit to Support Organic
The Global Policy Toolkit is aimed at anyone involved in advocating for pro-organic policies, designing them, or deciding on them. It is therefore aimed both at government representatives and private sector users.
4. Leader of Large Organic Food Scheme Dies
Randy Constant, a Missouri farmer blamed for running the largest organic food fraud scheme in U.S. history has died, weeks before he was to report to federal prison to begin serving a 10-year term.
5. New Training Program Offers Organic Basics for Beginning Farmers
OFRF has introduced the first learning module, Organic Soil Health Management, in its free online training program for beginning farmers, existing organic farmers, and farmers in transition to organic production.