Top 5- Organic News to Help You Grow #120Top 5- Organic News to Help You Grow #120
June 20, 2019

1. To Maximize Your Climate Impact, Do This
This week, Climate Collaborative hosted a webinar featuring Walmart on Project Gigaton, an ambitious effort on their part to work with suppliers to slash a gigaton of emissions from their supply chain by 2030—an amount equivalent to Germany’s annual emissions.
2. Funding Announcement to Support Organic Trade
The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) is delighted to announce they have been awarded with $992,000 over three years through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership’s Agri-Marketing Program.
3. Illinois Hemp Farmers Face Risks with First Planting of Newly Legal Crop
Thousands of young hemp plants dance in the breeze as fans blow through a loft on Trent Lawrence’s organic produce farm. And once a day, they dance to Bob Marley. The farmer in Tazewell County, southeast of Peoria, is one of about 475 Illinoisans who have received licenses to farm hemp since the state started accepting applications last month.
4. Organic Produce Bonds Father and Son
It’s the crack of dawn, a chilly start to what promises to be another sizzling early summer day at home in San Jose, California. But United States-born Ron Cruz is up and ready: He layers up and lugs a jacket too, knowing where he’s headed today.
5. Sym-Agro Markets an Insecticide 'Synergist'
Visalia, California-based Sym-Agro is marketing a product for making tank mixes of insecticide more effective on fruit and vegetable plants. The product, brand name ALLUMA, is a high-potency broad-spectrum, plant-based essential oil that acts as an insecticide, insect repellent and miticide.