Veg-Land: "At the Heart of Organics"Veg-Land: "At the Heart of Organics"
August 11, 2021

Veg-Land Inc., and their sales marketing arm, JBJ Distributing Inc., have updated their website recently to create a superior interactive experience. The update offers a more direct relationship with customers and consumers in support of the organic industry.
“Our product offerings have been expanded, such as overwrap 2-count trays, allowing a greater destination category in support of the current consumer need for health, safety, and convenience,” said Steve Janedis, vice president of sales and business development for the company.
Steve Janedis, Vice President of Sales and Business Development, Veg-Land
By recommitting to its tray packaging in 2022 in support of industry trends and e-commerce platforms, the company offers greater access and variety because it has improved product supply for this segment.
“Our product offerings have been expanded, such as overwrap 2-count trays, allowing a greater destination category in support of the current consumer need for health, safety, and convenience.” - Steve Janedis
“Diversity of the consumer is huge and can’t be overlooked,” Janedis said. “We’re not just talking conventional versus organic; we’re talking culture, ethnicity, reflection on ‘what was’ when we gathered as a family unit at the table. Connection to food supply, gratification of taste and flavor, where it was grown continue to be of importance because we expect safe produce. All encompassing, this provides an opportunity to expand with organic growers throughout the US.”
Veg-Land provides hands-on programs to those in the organic industry, which supports growth and exposure for their brands.
“This is due to our national relationships [with] both foodservice and retail,” Janedis said. “Grower relations are also a key part of this industry, and we continue to represent [our growers'] product offerings to the industry itself. We ... bring all sides together for the mutual benefit and service of the consumer.”
"Diversity of the consumer is huge and can’t be overlooked." - Steve Janedis
“We always aim to be the ‘Heart of Organics’ by supporting our customer base in their passion for success,” Janedis said. “We are flexible, quick to serve, and never sacrifice the integrity of USDA Certified Organics.”
The company is excited about the return of interest in produce as a whole, with Janedis noting that time at home has caused awareness about organics.
“Grower relations are also a key part of this industry, and we continue to represent [our growers'] product offerings to the industry itself. We ... bring all sides together for the mutual benefit and service of the consumer.” - Steve Janedis
“As consumers faced their personal challenges over these last few years, the focus on ‘body and life balance’ has made its way as a bigger part of the whole life equation, and we see that as fresh organic volume continues to grow,” Janedis said.
The genesis of Veg-Land began in 1976, and four years later JBJ Distributing was created to provide sales and marketing for growers who wanted their products to be sold in the Los Angeles marketplace. Veg-Land then became the “operational arm” for consolidation, including growers and western regional companies.
“We continue to develop the growers’ product volume and offerings through direct support and marketing,” Janedis said. “The acreage continues to flourish while keeping the integrity of USDA Certified organics, and the affordability for the consumer continues to remain year-round. We have also focused on the grower calendar gaps, allowing program sales to be offered year-round.”
“We always aim to be the ‘Heart of Organics’ by supporting our customer base in their passion for success. We are flexible, quick to serve, and never sacrifice the integrity of USDA Certified Organics.” - Steve Janedis
In addition to inflationary costs at all levels of supply chain, water shortages continue to be a challenge for the organic farming community.
“The narrative of organics still fills a need for consumers, even as the consumer is challenged on how they choose to fill their baskets,” Janedis said. “Messaging needs to be simplified and not reliant on retail. Modern packaging that is earth friendly continues to be a challenge, but we must simplify, even standardize what organic packing should be comprised of and not live in the shadow of conventional expectations.”
Looking ahead, the company’s immediate strategy is to remain quality focused and service driven as it continues to meet—and exceed—customers’ expectations.
“Quality of organic produce is not something we will sacrifice,” Janedis said. “Farm expansion, service to processors, and the foodservice providers are a large part of our initiative for 2022.
“The narrative of organics still fills a need for consumers, even as the consumer is challenged on how they choose to fill their baskets.” - Steve Janedis
A multi-generational company, Veg-Land has provided the organic industry top-notch products and service. A big reason for its success is its highly regarded and respected team of employees who have decades of knowledge to support Veg-Land's go-to-market strategies.
“This aspect of a company is casually overlooked, but it is the backbone of our success,” Janedis said. “The loyalty of our production crew allows our quality to remain at a consistent standard. When you don’t have an internal turnover, loyalty to the cause and purpose are what makes the difference.”