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Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #166Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #166

May 14, 2020

2 Min Read
Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow

1. As Food Supply Chain Breaks Down, Farm-To-Door CSAs Take Off

From California to Maine, the movement known as community supported agriculture (CSA) is booming. Members buy a share of a farm's often organic harvest that gets delivered weekly in a box. CSA programs almost everywhere report a surge in memberships and growing waiting lists.  Read More

2. Heliae® Agriculture Positions Regional Sales Manager in KY

Heliae® Agriculture continues to expand as it builds its efforts on promoting regenerative agriculture and soil health to the Delmarva, Kentucky, and Carolina regions. Chris Templeton will work with distributors to implement the PhycoTerra® product line into their recommended grower applications.    Read More

3. OPN and United Team Up to Host Organic General Session

The United Fresh Produce Association and Organic Produce Network (OPN) have announced they are co-hosting an Organic General Session on Wednesday, June 17 at 12:00 noon EDT during United Fresh LIVE! The Organic General Session will be led by Antle, and will feature top industry leaders addressing the future of organics in a post-coronavirus environment. Read More


4. NOC and OFA Ask Congress to Protect Organic Food and Agriculture

The National Organic Coalition (NOC) and Organic Farmers Association (OFA) called on Congress yesterday to include provisions in the next coronavirus relief package to help organic farmers, farmworkers, retailers, certifiers, and other businesses weather the COVID-19 pandemic. Like all sectors of agriculture, organic operations are in crisis.Read More

5. Uncle Matt's Organic Returns Home After Dean Foods Bankruptcy

Uncle Matt's Organic, the nation's number-one selling brand of organic orange and grapefruit juices, has been welcomed back home to Founder and CEO, Matt McLean, who built and subsequently sold the company to Dean Foods in 2017. This unexpected homecoming also includes a new parent company named Hamroni, Inc.. and an all-star advisory team of investors. Read More

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