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Second OPS Educational Session Announced: "Private Label vs. Consumer Brand: The Competition for Shelf Space"Second OPS Educational Session Announced: "Private Label vs. Consumer Brand: The Competition for Shelf Space"

March 10, 2021

3 Min Read
Second OPS Educational Session Announced: "Private Label vs. Consumer Brand: The Competition for Shelf Space"

The continued growth of organic fresh produce has spurred a debate on the value of consumer brands compared to their private label counterparts—and how they impact overall sales. Organic Produce Summit (OPS) 2022's second announced ed session, "Private Label vs. Consumer Brand: The Competition for Shelf Space," will explore the changing dynamics and challenges of traditional consumer brands as they face off against private labels to win the wallets and minds of organic consumers.

OPS 2022 is a two-day event specifically designed to bring together organic fresh produce growers, shippers, and processors with retail and buying organizations from across North America. The sixth annual event will be held July 13-14 in Monterey, CA at the Monterey Conference Center in Monterey, CA.

Moderated by Randy Riley, co-owner of GoldenSun Insights, panelists for the session include Jeff Cady, director of produce and floral for Tops Friendly Markets; Josh Leichter, CEO of Pacific Trellis Fruit; and Dave Hewitt, vice president of sales at 4Earth Farms.

“Moderating this robust discussion about the growing importance of retailer private [labels] is of paramount importance to the future of the industry’s growth,” said Riley. “When private labels started as a price value proposition to offer consumers, few could have predicted its evolution to outpacing national brands in 2021. We’re excited to bring together the grower, marketer, and retailer community to understand what this shift means for the industry and for the consumer.” 

With sales of organic fresh produce topping $9 billion in 2021, the growth of private label products has boomed as retailers seek to build brand recognition for their offerings of organic items. Consumer brand marketers, in turn, believe a consumer’s ability to know who the producer of the product is and where it is coming from provide benefits unavailable with private label offerings. The panelists, consisting of leadership from a pair of organic growers and a retailer who uses both consumer and private label brands, will discuss the choices available for consumers and what the shift from consumer brands to private labels means for both producers and retailers.

In addition to the educational session on branded vs. private label organic offerings, other educational sessions at OPS 2022 will include sessions on the growth of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), regenerative agriculture, sustainability across the supply chain, and organic fresh produce sales data. OPS 2022 will also include a keynote presentation, a selection of field tours for retailers and buyers, a gala opening night reception, and a sold-out trade show floor featuring over 150 producers and processors of organic fresh produce from across North America and the globe.

More information on OPS 2022 will be made available in the coming weeks as the event’s program becomes finalized. Registration is open and available online at www.organicproducesummit.com.

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