Organic Produce Needs Better Focal-Spot MerchandisingOrganic Produce Needs Better Focal-Spot Merchandising
February 3, 2022

Suppose a consumer sees organic grape tomatoes in a local ad at a great sale price. The shopper heads to the grocery store and discovers just two packages remain in a small section—both unappealing in appearance.
Will the consumer buy either of those leftover packages that nobody wanted?
This scenario is an example of poor planning and weak merchandising, and perhaps those organic grape tomatoes should have been placed in a prime visual location.
While there is plenty to learn and understand about produce focal-spot merchandising and types of displays, produce item placement is important—whether it's an ad feature, a special buy on the market, or a regular everyday product like bananas or potatoes.

There are several display types and selling areas inside and outside of the produce department where organic produce can be placed. And each type of display can sell produce in varying amounts depending on the motivational influence it has on customers.
While there is plenty to learn and understand about produce focal-spot merchandising and types of displays, produce item placement is important—whether it's an ad feature, a special buy on the market, or a regular everyday product like bananas or potatoes.
Below are some types of displays used to promote fresh produce items:
Traditional Displays: Items are placed on traditional tables and refrigerated wall cases in measured amounts to fit the limited space. Some items are placed on "secondary displays" to increase additional exposure and incremental sales.
Table End Caps: Table end caps can deliver huge sales depending on the item and price. They are usually stocked with an ad feature or a special in-store push item. End caps are meant to draw customers' attention instantaneously as they walk through the department. If space allows, a waterfall spillover onto empty boxes of the same label will dramatically increase the display selling power.
Wing Displays: Smaller displays placed alongside of a table end cap are meant to capture incremental sales from the main item. Wings are set up by using empty boxes, crates, barrels, or corrugated designer display units. One or two items are recommended for wings.
There are several display types and selling areas inside and outside of the produce department where organic produce can be placed. And each type of display can sell produce in varying amounts depending on the motivational influence it has on customers.
Freestanding Displays: Where there is open space, it's ideal to position a mobile display fixture, field bins, or just a pallet of product like potatoes, watermelons, or sweet corn.
The #1 Display Spot: Placing special produce items in front of customers as they walk into the door is in the #1 spot—the best and most popular area of all to capture shoppers. The main ad features are placed here along with other tie-in produce items for profit mix. Additional wing displays can be included for excellent focal-spot merchandising.
The end cap's main objective is to impact shoppers into making a purchase. If space allows, a waterfall spillover onto empty boxes of the same label will dramatically increase the display selling power.
Organic Items and the #1 Display Spot: Why is it rare to see an organic item featured in a weekly flyer outside of the organic section? What would have happened if those organic grape tomatoes the customer found depleted were placed in the #1 display spot? Those sales would easily have tripled or even quadrupled.
To please the organic customer and drive sales, now is the time to begin focal-spot merchandising more organic items in the #1 display spot.
Placing special produce items in front of customers as they walk into the door is in the #1 spot—the best and most popular area of all to capture shoppers.
Organic grapes, berries, avocados, apples, oranges, and melons are only a few examples of organic items that would sell really well if placed in front of the store entrance.
By using a focal-spot merchandising strategy and displaying organic items in the #1 display spot, you will have satisfied customers and drive overall organic sales.