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Organic Market Update: Nov. 22-Dec 5

Offer a cruciferous cornucopia of Asparagus, Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts; Tropical Fruit arrives; watch out for West Coast Lettuce price spikes. Get the scoop in this week’s report.

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Market update for Thanksgiving week


California Organic Citris is here! New crop Organic Mandarins are abundant, with Organic Satsuma and Murcott Clementine varieties currently available from California. Organic Mandarins 15/2 lb bags are available and ready for holiday display builds and promos. Organic Navel Oranges are in good supply with consistent pricing and excellent early-season quality from California. 48 ct, 56 ct, 72 ct and 88 ct fancy loose are in stock, plus 10/4 lb bags. Organic Pummelos are in peak season! Organic Grapefruit shows tight supplies on larger fruit while smaller sizes are more readily available. Quality and color remain excellent.


Organic Grapes from California have finished for the season. Organic Grapes will gap in early December. Then, imports of Organic Green Grapes will begin in mid-December, with Organic Red Grapes following in late December. Expect higher prices during the import season.

Bunches of green and red grapes


Organic Asparagus from Mexico is in abundant supply for late November, offering good quality. This premium Organic Asparagus is a must-have addition to your produce selection through the holiday season.


In November, California Organic Cauliflower is consistently available and reasonably priced, though prices may go back up for early December. Organic Romanesco is in season from California.

Related:Organic Market Update: Dec. 9-13


California Organic  Broccoli  is  becoming increasingly scarce. As the West Coast transition season approaches, anticipate higher prices and fewer options. East Coast Broccoli from the Carolinas was meant to help offset the high price  but  supply  volume  has  drastically dropped due to weather conditions. East Coast Broccoli should recover somewhat and offer some respite  as  Thanksgiving  week  gets underway. Organic Broccoli Crowns are even more scarce and very expensive.


Be sure to check out Organic Passion Fruit and Kiwano Melons, now in stock from California. Organic Mangos from Ecuador are now available and should remain steady into December. Promote 10 ct and 12 ct. Organic Aloe Vera Leaves are gapping until further notice from Mexico.

Organic Dragon Fruit from Mexico will be available in late November. Organic Feijoa will begin arriving in early December. Organic Royal Star Papayas are in good supply in November, with consistent quality.


Organic Beefsteak and Cluster Tomatoes remain available but at elevated prices. Quality is outstanding, and no availability issues are reported. Conditions are expected to improve in December. Organic Roma Tomatoes are in decent supply with nice quality. In late November, prices for Organic Grape Tomatoes are spiking due to growing shortages. Pro-rates are likely, and availability is expected to be very limited. While improvements are anticipated in early December, it may take time for normal volumes to return.

Related:Retailers can boost organic produce purchases with wide-ranging educational strategies

Many shiny red tomatoes, viewed from above

Brussels Sprouts

In November and early December, Organic Brussels Sprouts are incredibly abundant. There are also plenty of Organic Bagged Brussels Sprouts available, making them a fantastic grab-and-go choice for the holiday.


ALERT! Organic Iceberg and Romaine Hearts, sourced exclusively from the West Coast, have seen costs rise due to the transition to southern growing regions. Expect higher prices for these items for the rest of November, with improvements likely in early December.

Fall Fruit

Organic Fuyu and Hachiya Persimmons are nearing the end of their season but will be available through November. Organic Pomegranates from California are quickly winding down, with Thanksgiving pulls expected to deplete many growers. There will be limited 24/28 ct sizing for late November, so focus on 30/36 ct where possible. Organic Pomegranate Arils continue in good supply.

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Market Update

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Organic Produce Network staff

Organic Produce Network

Organic Produce Network staff

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