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Organic Market Update #211Organic Market Update #211

February 1, 2021

3 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 13, 2021


Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) continues to provide opportunities for high quality Organic Lettuces closer to local marketplaces. There is increasingly strong consumer acceptance for these products for their premium quality and freshness.


Organic Strawberries are ramping up out of Baja, Mexico. Expect good quality and easing prices after Easter. Organic Blueberries are finishing out of Chile, as fresh crop of Mexico supplies is trickling in. California’s crop is expected to come on strong this month, with lower prices on excellent quality. Organic Blackberries are in firm supply with steady pricing. Organic Raspberries are expected to remain in very tight supply for April, with sporadic gaps and very high prices. Poor weather in Mexico has hurt large scale production that was expected for April on both Organic Blackberries and Raspberries.


Organic Mini Sweet Peppers from Mexico offer promotable pricing and volumes. Colored Bell Peppers from both Mexico and Israel continue to see steady volumes with very nice quality. Promotional opportunities are expected headed into Easter and early April on Mexican product, while Israeli product remains at a high cost due to importing with limited airspace. Organic Green Peppers from Florida volumes decreased the final week of March, with production closing in early April, and a shift to Mexico production.


Organic Broccoli remains in stable volumes and pricing as April begins. Supplies and pricing are expected to remain steady with excellent quality. Organic Sweet Baby Broccoli is experiencing extreme shortages or complete gaps in supplies which is expected to continue into April. Expect high pricing and out-of-stocks. Organic Broccoli Rabe is expected to remain in decent supply through early April.


Premium quality is available on Organic Tango Mandarins—both bags and bulk. Organic TDE Triple Cross Tangerines are in season and available for a limited time.


Organic Formosa Papayas will be in good supply through April with great promotional pricing available. The sizing profile will be smaller, with counts ranging from 16-22 per box. Quality has been excellent. Organic Young Thai Coconuts with be in steady supply entering April, on higher pricing. Organic Pineapple supplies have dropped and will be tighter through the Easter holiday. Quality has been excellent. Organic Ataulfo Honey Mangos will be steady in supplies entering April. Quality should be excellent. Supplies on Organic Tommy Atkins Mangos from Mexico were unable to fill the gap that was created when Peru supplies dried up this past week. Organic Fair Trade Haitian Mangos are scheduled to arrive around mid-April and be in season for the rest of spring. Francique variety mangos are some of the most juicy and delicious mangos availbale. 


Organic Red, Green, and Black Seedless Grapes out of South Africa are expected early this month. New this year are 18lb boxes following the lead of Mexico, Peru, and California. Supplies will be limited.


Organic Celery and Celery Hearts continue in peak supplies for the Easter holiday with promotable pricing and strong quality Easter provides a great opportunity to capitalize on strong supplies and aggressive pricing with extra foot traffic in stores expected.

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