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Market Update #365Market Update #365

April 4, 2024

3 Min Read
Market Update

Week 14, 2024



Organic Grape Tomatoes are promotable for early April. Organic Medley, Cherry, and other varieties still remain snug. Organic Campari Cocktail Tomatoes are readily available. Organic “Brites,” “Poppies,” and “Kaleidos” Snacking Tomatoes are starting to return to availability. Fair Trade Organic Heirloom Tomatoes are in decent supply.


Organic Mandarins will be promotable throughout April. “Murcott” and “Tango” are the current varieties and are showing top-notch quality! Organic Navel Oranges continue to size very large with some retailers needing to make the transition to Organic Valencia Oranges to cover small size fruit programs. Organic Cara Cara and Blood Oranges have become tight in supply and will finish earlier than expected this year. Expect higher priced fruit until early April. Organic Lemons have consistent prices and solid demand. It’s a great time to push Organic Lemons as shippers/growers are in peak season.


Organic Strawberries continue to be very promotable out of California and Baja, Mexico. Quality has been nice from the new fields in Santa Maria as we transition over. Potential rains in Baja, Mexico over Easter weekend could end production in that region early and disrupt markets. Organic Blackberries out of Mexico continue to be steady overall. Quality has been nice. Organic Raspberries are in steady supply out of Mexico and California. Quality has been very nice overall, and pricing continues to ease slightly. Organic Blueberries will be very limited as imports come in way lower than projected. Mexico is extremely light in volume, and Florida has very little available as well. The California season has started but fruit yields are very low as well. Expect high pricing with limited availability.


Organic Lettuce conditions are fair to begin April. The main supply is being sourced from Florida, which prevented the effects of transitions on the West Coast. East Coast Organic Romaine and Leaf Lettuces are in stable volume. Organic Romaine Hearts and Iceberg Lettuce will continue to be sourced from the West Coast, where costs are elevated, and quality has been subpar. These conditions will improve as April continues!


We can expect to see new crop Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydew around mid-late April from Mexico. Then, Organic Cantaloupe and Honeydew will be available in May from California through October! Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons are just starting in Mexico, but pricing is too high for retail price points. Pricing will likely ease as April progresses.

Red Onions

We will see a gap on Organic Red Onions until early April. Old crop Organic Red Onions are now done nationwide, and the new crop regions of Texas and Mexico have seen a good bit of rain, which has delayed harvest. Product will continue to be limited through April, and prices will increase drastically.


Conditions of Organic Broccoli from California have begun to shift as transition occurs. Lighter supplies in the desert growing regions paired with colder temperatures in the northern Salinas Valley growing regions will slow product. Expect gradual price increases throughout this process. North Carolina production is set to begin in early April to help provide relief during Western transition.


Organic Green Grapes will finish for the season in early April and gap until the Mexican season starts in May. Organic Red Grapes should continue through April.

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