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Market Update #354Market Update #354

January 18, 2024

3 Min Read
Market Update

Week 3, 2024




Organic Broccoli remains reasonably priced and easily accessible as the quantity and caliber of Organic Bunch Broccoli supply coming from East and West Coasts has stayed steady. Following a period of limited supply and high pricing, West Coast grown Organic Cauliflower experienced a volume boost in early January. Availability, affordability, and quality are ideal, with February production returning to normal. Organic Broccoli Rabe is promotable with nice quality. Organic Sweet Baby Broccoli is in good supply with reasonable pricing and regenerative Organic Sweet Baby Broccoli will return in February.



There is a steady supply of Organic Leaf and Romaine Lettuce from Florida despite the impact of colder temperatures. Anticipate a consistent supply going forward. Organic Iceberg Lettuce and Organic Romaine Hearts from southern California and Arizona are available with high quality. Market conditions are expected to stay unchanged through January.



It’s a great time to showcase a stellar selection of Organic Apples as variety, assortment and volume are big this year. Available varieties to satisfy all taste buds include Ambrosia, Autumn Glory, Cosmic Crisp, Envy, Fuji, Gala, Gold Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Lady Alice, Opal, Pinata, Pink Lady, Rockit, SugarBee, and Swee-tango.



  • Organic Strawberry production is increasing out of Baja, Mexico leading to easing prices and im-proved availability. Organic Blackberry production from Mexico is set to increase, leading to easing prices and improved quality. Organic Raspberry production continues to be limited but with improving supplies and excellent quality. Expect the same through January. Organic Blueberries will remain on the tighter side in mid-January, with heavier supplies expected by the end of January for a promotable February. 


Brussels Sprouts

Due to a limited supply, Organic Brussels Sprouts remain pricey in early to mid- January. Mexican supplies will gradually increase, leading to lower prices. Despite the limited supply, quality has not diminished, and it is expected to strengthen as supply from fresh growing regions improves.



It is a great time to promote Organic Pears with a range of varieties including Anjou, Bosc, Comice, and Red Pears. While USA Organic Bartlett Pears have ended for the season, anticipate the arrival of new crop Argentinean Organic Bartletts in mid-February. Organic Asian Pears have finished their season.




Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes may be hitting a gap due to cooler temps, low light, and potassium adjustments in greenhouses. Organic Roma Tomatoes will remain extremely tight, with very little product being produced in Mexico due to low temperatures. Organic Grape and Cherry Tomatoes continue to be in light supply with high prices due to weather impacting production.



Organic Mandarin quality is superb and Organic Navels show strong quality with consistent pricing, especially on large fruit. Organic Blood Oranges are peaking on larger-sized fruit, with top-notch quality and color. Organic Cara Caras are peaking on larger fruit with steady pricing. Organic Grapefruit remains very promotable with solid quality. Organic Specialty Citrus continues to be in season with several unique varieties. The popular Organic TDE Tangerine triple cross is also now available.

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