2021 Q1 Organic Produce Performance2021 Q1 Organic Produce Performance
2021 Q1 Organic Produce Performance
April 13, 2021

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Organic fresh produce has generated and maintained strong sales and volume since the beginning of the pandemic period at this time last year. Organic vegetables have seen the largest increases as consumers were forced to pivot away from out-of-home dining to purchasing most meal ingredients in supermarkets. The result has been consistent year-over-year increases in both conventional and organic fresh produce. However, on a percentage increase basis, the lift in organic produce performance has exceeded conventional produce.
Q1, 2021 was no exception with organic produce delivering strong growth for the period, significantly higher than conventional produce which actually showed a small volume decline for the quarter.
Last year at this time, the emergence of the Covid pandemic created retail conditions unlike any ever experienced in the modern era of grocery retailing. In March, unprecedented pantry-loading purchase behavior by consumers across the United States emptied store shelfs resulting in widespread out-of-stock conditions. However, as we move into Q2, 2021 it’s apparent that the pandemic closures are beginning to ease. So the question will be how fast consumers are able to return to their “pre-Covid” food purchase behaviors.
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