Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #137Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #137
October 17, 2019
1. Mission Produce Highlights Hazel Technologies Partnership
With PMA Fresh Summit literally just days away, the excitement builds as more and more updates are unveiled—especially when Mission Produce, Hazel Technology, and sustainability are involved. The avocado experts over at Mission will be talking innovation at PMA Fresh Summit this year, divulging its latest ground-breaking solution: an exclusively marketed technology that extends the shelf-life of avocados and reduces food waste.
2. Driscoll Joins Ceres-WWF AgWater Challenge
Driscoll’s sees smart water management as a business imperative to ensure its growers can continue to produce for decades to come. To this end, WWF is pleased to announce Driscoll’s is taking their water stewardship one step further, becoming the next company joining the Ceres-WWF AgWater Challenge.
3. Stemilt Celebrates Apple Lovers at PMA
The leader in organic tree fruits will call attention to increasing purchase size of organics through the launch of its Artisan Organics™ 5lb. resealable pouch bags of organic Gala, Fuji, and Granny Smith apples.
4. Baja Son Offering Year Round Organic Green Onions
Baja Son Growers has announced they will begin offering a year-round organic green onion program in their Baja Son Growers label. The company entered the sales and marketing arena in 2010 and introduced the Baja Son Premium asparagus and green onion label.
5. Jacob Pachenik to Keynote CCOF Foundation Feast at OGS
On Wednesday, December 4, the CCOF Foundation will celebrate the collaborative effort to advance organic for a healthy world. Jacob Pechenik of The Farm Project and Lettuce Grow will keynote the CCOF Foundation Feast at the Organic Grower Summit.