Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #108Top 5 - Organic News to Help You Grow #108
March 28, 2019

1. OTA Conference Day: “Bold Ideas & Critical Conversations”
The Organic Trade Association’s annual conference on May 22 will feature an in-depth and provocative discussion looking at how the organic industry can earn and maintain shoppers’ trust even as it continues to flourish.
2. WSU Organic Produce Can Be Grown on Campus
“WSU’s staff and students should work to establish its own garden on campus to encourage healthy diets among students and offer an alternative to the food served in dining halls.”
3. First International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa
Reducing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides by scaling up Agroecology and promoting ecological organic trade.
4. Organic Vidalia Onions on the Way from Morning Kiss Organic
Morning Kiss Organic is looking forward to bringing a healthy crop of organic Vidalia onions to market this spring. As spring arrives, retailers should expect that consumers will aim to eat healthy, including fresh and organic fruits and vegetables.
5. Grinnell Heritage Farm is Farming Against Type-and Against the Odds-in Iowa
Grinnell Heritage Farm (GHF) once looked like the fields that surround it, which dominate most of Iowa’s landscape. But today, it’s home to one of the largest community supported agriculture (CSA) farms in the state.