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Taylor Farms Develops First of its Kind, Sustainable Energy SystemTaylor Farms Develops First of its Kind, Sustainable Energy System

April 20, 2017

2 Min Read
Taylor Farms Develops First of its Kind, Sustainable Energy System

Will utilize wind, solar and cogeneration systems to offset energy usage by 90%

Taylor Farms unveiled a new, three tiered renewable and alternative energy system at its Gonzales, CA facility last week.  Utilizing wind, solar and cogeneration energy, the new system will offset energy usage by an average of 90 percent, making it the most advanced system of its kind in the agriculture industry.

The ribbon-cutting of the new system featured a keynote presentation from Taylor founder and CEO Bruce Taylor, who underscored the growth and impact of Taylor Farms sustainability efforts.  Combined, the systems generate 4.25 MW of energy on-site, which will be utilized to run the 192,000 sq. ft. fresh vegetable processing plant. At times, the facility will generate enough power to operate 100 percent of operations, but on average, the three systems will offset energy usage by more than 90 percent.

The three-part renewable and alternative energy system includes a 1 MW GE wind turbine that has produced an annual energy offset of 16 percent since it was installed in November, 2014.  Also included is the 1 MW solar array, consisting of 3,578 panels that was completed in July of last year with an energy offset of 10 percent and a natural gas-powered cogeneration system, installed this month that is expected to produce an annual energy offset of 62 percent.  With the use of natural gas and on-site energy production, this system is 21 percent cleaner than a utility grid.

“Taylor Farms’ investments in sustainability projects have been widely embraced by customers and partners nationwide” said Nicole Flewell, director of sustainability for Taylor Farms.   “Taylor Farms plans to continue pursuing opportunities to lead renewables projects across North America, with each project taking the company one-step further in its dedication to minimizing our environmental footprint, while delivering healthy fresh foods to our consumers."

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