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Organic Market Update #343Organic Market Update #343

Week 43, 2023

October 26, 2023

2 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 43, 2023



Organic Raspberries continue to be promotable out of Mexico. The quality has been excellent, and fruit is eating really well right now. Organic Strawberry prices are jumping quickly as harvests slow down. Volumes are extremely light during the transition into Mexico for the winter months, and pricing is expected to continue to rise as production slows. Organic Blackberry pricing will inch up as supplies decrease due to a Hurricane in Mexico. Supplies are limited as growers pick through the rain damaged crops. Organic Blueberry supplies continue to be tight out of Peru. Vessels are on the water and arrivals are becoming more frequent. Pricing is expected to remain high for a few more weeks until supplies improve.


Organic Heirloom Tomatoes are available with great pricing and availability out of Mexico. Organic Cherry and Grape Tomatoes will be available this week out of Florida, with limited volume available. Greenhouse Organic Beefsteak and Cluster Tomatoes supplies will be light out of Quebec as the region is experiencing cooler temps, rain, and low light. Organic Roma Tomatoes are coming out of Mexico with great quality and availability heading into November.

Broccoli & Cauliflower

Organic Broccoli from California continues to make improvements, with promotional opportunities and excellent quality heading into November. Likewise, Organic Cauliflower is experiencing improving volumes during late October. The strong supplies are expected to be short-lived as pricing is expected to increase as Thanksgiving approaches.

Fall Fruit

Organic Pomegranates from California are available as are Organic Fuyu and Hachiya Persimmons. Fresh Organic Figs continue to be available, and fresh Organic Cranberries are now in season. Organic Kiwi Berries are done for the 2023 season.


Organic Grapes remain in good supply, and growers are now into some of their stronger quality varieties for late October. Organic Red Grapes are priced higher than Organic Green and Black Grapes. California volumes should last through November, while imported Organic Green Grapes are currently on the water in small volumes. 


Organic Hass Avocado supplies are promotable despite heavy rain that has prevented harvest for most of this past week in Mexico. Organic Pineapple supplies remain steady, and California grown Organic Mangos are readily available. Pricing is higher, but fruit quality has been good. Ecuador fruit is a few weeks away. Expect high pricing and extremely limited fruit.


Organic Lemons are slowly getting started in California with sizing peaking toward smaller fruit. Organic Valencia Oranges are finished as quality went downhill quickly on the last fruit of the season. Organic Navel Oranges are expected to start in early November. Organic Limes remain tight, and prices high.

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