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Organic Market Update #326Organic Market Update #326

June 29, 2023

4 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 26, 2023



Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydews from Southern California are in steady supply heading into July, and quality is impressive. Organic Galia Melons are also in peak season from California. This variety has a tan shell and green-white flesh with a rich aroma and sweet melon flavor. Bin and carton Organic Seedless Watermelons are available for the holiday. Organic Whole Seeded Watermelons are plentiful, and quality has been exceptional. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons are in a supply gap as Mexico production has finished. California harvests won’t start back up until after the 4th of July. Expect tight supplies with limited availability.


Greens & Lettuces

Eastern Organic Greens, Kales, Leaf Lettuces, and Romaine Lettuce remain in excellent supply. Superb quality with strong availability will make for promotional opportunities throughout late June and early July. Expect the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Organic Lettuce season to end in early July and production transitions to New York and Vermont. Organic Romaine Hearts and Iceberg Lettuce volumes from California remain strong as July approaches. Expect steady availability and consistent pricing. Organic Lettuces from Quebec will begin harvests in early July as a great supplemental option.



Stone Fruit

Organic Dark Sweet and Rainier Cherries out of Washington are in excellent supply with promotional opportunities available into July. Organic Apricots are in excellent supply out of California and will transition to Washington the first week of July. Organic White & Yellow Nectarines and Peaches, as well as Organic Red and Black Plums will hit peak season supply as we move into July.


Organic Brussels Sprouts from Mexico are beginning to increase yields, as production will be consistent through mid-July. Strong quality will remain, and costs will improve as supply volume increases.


Organic Grape and Cherry Tomatoes from GA are promotable, and quality is outstanding. Organic Grape Tomatoes are available out of Mexico, and quality is outstanding. East Coast Organic Vine Ripe and Roma Tomatoes are expected to start production by the first week of July. Organic Roma Tomato prices will be promotable with products out of the Carolinas. Quality is outstanding.





California Organic Navel Oranges production is finished and transitioning to California Organic Valencia Oranges. Large fruit is very limited, peaking at 88ct and smaller, so bags are expected to be plentiful. Organic Mandarins are nearing their final days and are expected to finish the first week of July. Organic Lime supplies are firm with prices on the rise as the weather in Mexico has caused more than 50 percent of the fruit to go to juicing; markets are expected to continue to move. Organic Lemons continue to be extremely limited out of Argentina with marginal quality. Mexico is expected to begin in July. California fruit is almost nonexistent and of marginal quality. Organic Grapefruit are in a slightly better position out of California. Prices are expected to ease over the next few weeks.

Cauliflower & Broccoli

Organic Cauliflower volume from California continues to increase, resulting in Improving pricing and excellent quality. Organic Broccoli from California remains a struggle, quality limitations and elevated costs should be expected. Limited supplies of Organic Broccoli from Virginia and Pennsylvania are available as East Coast Organic Broccoli options conclude for the season. Canadian production of Organic Broccoli will begin in July.


Organic Red Grapes from Mexico are promotable, and quality has been very nice. Organic Green Grape pricing will begin to drop but won’t be as promotable as the Reds.


New Jersey Organic Blueberries continue to harvest, and quality has been excellent. Availability should be steady heading into July. Organic Blueberry prices are coming down out of California as more fruit comes on. The quality has been excellent. Pacific Northwest harvests will start in early July. Organic Strawberries remain steady with good availability out of Santa Maria/Watsonville, CA. Overall, quality has been nice, and the fruit has been eating excellently. Organic Raspberry markets are steady, and supplies have been consistent. Quality is improving as new fields are being harvested. Organic Blackberry prices remain steady ahead of the holiday pull, as California production continues to ramp up. New Jersey harvests are delayed with light availability forecast for early July.

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