Organic Market Update #311Organic Market Update #311
March 16, 2023
Week 11, 2023

CA Weather/Citrus
March is peak of the season for Organic Citrus and California Organic Citrus would be in excellent supply if it wasn't for this atmospheric river of rain that occurred in California’s Central Valley the past two weeks. Shippers have harvested fruit in advance of the rains to mitigate the impact, but this week’s storm could to be one of the more challenging of the season. As for Organic Citrus that's already in the supply chain, Organic Navel and Heirloom Navel Oranges are plentiful in all sizes and bags. This is expected to continue until mid-May when supplies start winding down for the season. Organic Cara Cara Oranges are in their peak with excellent quality, size, and flavor through mid-April. Organic Blood Oranges are limited and are expected to finish for the season before the end of March. Organic Mandarins are in excellent supply and should be for all of March on the "Tango" variety. Then, supplies will transition to "Murcotts" to finish out the season in late April or early May. Organic Golden Nugget Mandarins have excellent quality and flavor but are a little smaller in size. Organic Lemons are in plentiful supply in all sizes and bags, and should continue to be in good supply until June. Organic Minneola Tangelos are peaking on the small size, and expected to finish for the season sometime in mid to late-April. Organic Pummelos should be in good, steady supply until the end of March.

Cucumbers & Squash
Organic Cucumbers, Zucchini, and Yellow Squash from Mexico are in steady supply, with lower pricing on Organic Cucumbers and Zucchini, while Organic Yellow Squash prices are higher. Organic Zucchini from Florida will resume harvest in mid to late March, with volumes projected to increase by the end of the month.

Pineapples & Mangos
Organic Pineapple supplies from Costa Rica have been strong, and quality has been excellent. The Mexican Organic Mango season has started with Tommy Atkins variety fruit. Prices are higher to start but will be dropping as more fruit is ready. Larger sized Organic Ataulfo Honey Mangos from Mexico are in steady supply. 16ct and 1 ct sizes have been limited but should rebound for the middle of March.
Organic Hass Avocado prices rose slightly for the third week in a row. Volume on fruit is down slightly especially on 48 size fruit and larger. Overall volume is still promotable, and fruit quality and oil content have been excellent. Equal Exchange Organic Fair Trade Hass Avocados will be in good supply through March.
Broccoli & Cauliflower
California’s Imperial Valley is the main supply region for Organic Broccoli and Cauliflower during this part of March. Organic Broccoli has experienced reliable supply volume, but costs have increased due to stronger demand. Organic Cauliflower has remained in steady availability, but experienced elevated costs for a couple weeks as the season starts to wind down and growers transition North. Organic Sweet Baby Broccoli from California continues to experience light volume, with supply gaps and higher costs. Organic Broccoli Rabe has increased volume and improved prices, offering an excellent substitute for Organic Sweet Baby Broccoli which shows limited supplies.
Organic Strawberries are promotable out of Florida and Baja, Mexico. Baja production is strong on excellent quality. Florida production is down as fields finish up for the season. As Florida finishes, Baja will continue to produce steady supplies. Organic Raspberry prices continue to decline as supplies improve on excellent quality out of Baja, Mexico. Organic Blackberry prices remain steady out of Mexico. Quality has been excellent, and supplies are abundant. Organic Blueberries will remain tight on light volumes from Peru, CA, and Mexico. Expect higher prices to continue through March, but quality has been excellent and fruit tastes great.
Brussels & Asparagus
Organic Asparagus will be promotable for the remainder of March. Quality is outstanding, and availability will be steady. Plenty of Organic Asparagus is crossing from Mexico, different than the conventional asparagus situation. Organic Brussels Sprouts from Mexico are in excellent supply volume and priced to drive additional volume. Organic Brussels Sprouts in 1 lb. high-graphic bags continue in season.