Organic Market Update #300Organic Market Update #300
December 23, 2022

Asparagus & Green Beans
While many organic veg crops have seen plenty of volatility this November and December, two items that are steady--- if not promotable---- for the rest of December and early January: Organic Asparagus and Green Beans. Organic Asparagus prices are expected to remain steady as Mexico has more availability, and excellent quality. Mexican Organic Fair Trade Green Bean volumes continue to have strong availability on exceptional quality and sharp pricing. Trimmed and washed Organic Green Beans are in steady supply for the holidays. 10/1lb Organic French Beans are available, however import logistics and container delays from Guatemala persist. Quality is excellent, but volume is still limited.
Organic Mandarins from California are in peak season with both Satsuma and Clementine varieties. Organic Navel Oranges continue in peak season with excellent quality. Organic Cara Cara Navels are now available with first of the season fruit. The first new crop Organic Blood Oranges and Minneola Tangelos will arrive just after Christmas. Now available in limited volumes through December are Specialty Organic Pummelos: OG Chandler, OG African Shaddock, OG Red Globe, and OG Thai Sweet. Mexican Organic Lime prices are on the rise as supplies shorten up for the holidays.
Fall Fruit
Organic Fuyu Persimmons are in good supply, while Organic Hachiya Persimmons are done for the season. Most Organic Pomegranate supplies have run low with many growers only offering fancy grade fruit with minor scarring and discoloration. Domestic Organic Pomegranate Arils will be steady until the end of the month and Organic Cranberries will go out of stock for the season by Christmas.
Warm Veg
Florida is kicking off a new program: Organic Shishito Peppers. Organic Cucumbers, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Green Peppers, and Eggplant all remain in stable supply from Mexico, but weather conditions are expected to slow production as the New Year approaches. Florida has begun to wind down on Organic Zucchini production until the spring; however Organic Eggplant and Green Peppers from Florida show with strong volumes and excellent quality.