Organic Market Update #293Organic Market Update #293
November 3, 2022

Week 44, 2022
Organic Pears are in peak season, with brown-russet Organic Shinko Asian Pears out of California in excellent supply with outstanding flavor and large sizing. Washington Organic Bartlett and Bosc Pears show excellent quality with good sizing in both loose fruit and pouch bags. Washington Organic Red Pears will be transitioning from Starkrimson to Red Bartlett, and then to Red Anjou Pears in mid to late-November. While the Organic Comice Pear crop is expected to be off by 40-50 percent from last year, supplies should be available shortly.
Brussels & Beans
Organic Brussels Sprouts supplies are improving, and the outlook is strong as Mexican growers begin their fall/winter seasons. Expect market conditions to improve as November progresses and possible Thanksgiving promotions to arise. Organic Green Beans continue to yield limited supplies from Mexico, Georgia, and Florida. Volume will improve slightly through November, but promotional volumes are not expected for Thanksgiving as costs will remain elevated.
Warm Veg
Organic Eggplant and Green Peppers are in good supply. Organic Eggplant supplies are steady with good quality from NC and Mexico. Organic Green Peppers are beginning to wind down in NC, however a seamless transition to GA will occur as November begins. In addition, some Mexican suppliers are currently harvesting and the Coachella, CA season is underway as well. Organic Zucchini volume remains strong out of FL and Mexico. FL suffered from the effects of Hurricane Ian in October, but volumes have recovered nicely. Early November will offer promotional opportunities and top-notch quality from FL. Mexican growers have begun ramping up their fall/winter season and are experiencing strong supplies of Organic Zucchini and Yellow Squash, with promotional opportunities available in early November.
Organic Grape supplies are tightening, and prices are firming up. “Autumn Crisp” and “Autumn King” Green, “Alison” and “Timco” Red, and “Adora” Black varieties and will be in-stock through the end of November.

Organic Lettuce from California is a struggle across all varieties as growers have faced less than ideal growing conditions, increased demand from shortages, and field disease. With light volume and persisting issues, costs remain at an all-time high. Fortunately, limited supplies from PA and NJ have supplemented shortages and mid to late November will bring the start of the Florida season which will boost volume and provide consistent supply throughout the winter months. Expect extremely elevated prices to continue into at least mid-November, if not the entire month.
Organic Hass Avocados are in good supply for late October. Crops are transitioning from “Flora Loca” crop to the “Aventajada” crop. 8/4ct Organic Fair Trade Hass Avocados from Equal Exchange continue to be promotable. Organic Keitt Mangos from California are limited, and Tommy Atkins fruit will arrive first week of November from Ecuador. Organic Royal Star Papayas are now being offered as Fair-Trade fruit. Organic Pineapple supplies have been excellent. Both 6ct and 8ct sizes are promotable for the start of November.
Organic Euro and Mini Seedless Cucumbers are expected to be promotable throughout November. Quality and availability have been excellent and will remain this way through the month. Organic Cucumbers from FL are ending, and the season was far from smooth with Hurricane Ian affecting the early season supply and shortening the length of the season. Supplies from both North Carolina and Mexico remain available with strong quality.
Organic Blueberry markets continue to be promotable out of Peru and Mexico. Quality has been exceptional from both regions. Organic Blackberry prices are steady overall, as Mexico continues to harvest but weather issues are limiting production. Mexican Organic Raspberries will be very tight for the beginning of November. California production has finished, and after a strong flush in early October, supplies have tightened rapidly. Expect pricing to go up with limited availability as harvest numbers decrease daily. Organic Strawberry prices continue to rise, and availability remains limited. Expect markets to stay this way for the next few weeks as Mexico has extremely limited volume available. Quality, however, has improved tremendously and the fruit looks excellent.