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Organic Market Update #289Organic Market Update #289

October 6, 2022

3 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 40, 2022

Hurricane Ian

The massive and destructive Hurricane Ian that ripped across Florida last week will have significant impact on fresh produce prices and availability for the next several months. Florida has fall and winter production of Organic row crop vegetables and is a major supply of Organic vegetables and Tomatoes to east coast buyers. Growers will continue to assess the damage from the hurricane winds and torrential rains/field flooding in the coming days and weeks.

Sweet Potatoes

Fall means Organic Sweet Potato season and now is the time to begin prominently displaying a full variety of sweet potatoes. Growers in California are harvesting their 2022 fresh crop and the quality is excellent. Stock up on a full line up of varietals: Organic Red/Garnet, Orange/Jewel, White/Hannah Sweet, Japanese Sweet, plus the Stokes Purple!


With east coast Organic Tomatoes production winding down and Florida impacted by the hurricane, much supply for the Fall will be coming from new crop Quebec greenhouse production and new crop production from Mexico. The first of the season Quebec greenhouse Organic Beefsteak, Cluster, and Cocktail Tomatoes are now available and looking sharp.


Organic Raspberry quality has been great, and supplies are plentiful—an excellent time for promotions. Pricing for Organic Blueberries will be sharp to start October. The quantity of fruit from California and Peru is outstanding, and the quality has been superb. The demand for Organic Blackberries continues to be high while supply remains somewhat restricted. Mexico growers are starting some new crop, but the volume is very light so far. The demand for Organic Strawberries will continue to increase as supply remains tight. Expect prices to climb through October on limited volumes. Expect prorates and occasional out of stocks.


Supplies of Organic Grapes are increasing with better weather in California. Organic Green Grapes have had quality issues due to heat stress in the fields especially on the “Great Green” variety. This variety had weak shelf life and growers are now shipping “Kelley’s” and “Autumn Kings,” which should have less discoloration and a longer shelf life. “Scarlett Royal” variety Organic Red Seedless Grapes have arrived in great condition. Also available for October: Organic Black, Muscadines, Sweet Carnival, and Thomcords.


During first week of October, Organic Cranberries will be available. Quality should be high, and supply should be consistent on 24/12 oz. 


Expand your Organic Hard Squash selection with the arrival of four new squash varieties including:  Organic Buttercup, Carnival, Red Kuri, and Sweet Dumpling Squash. These varieties will add to the Organic Acorn, Butternut, Delicata, Honeynut, Kabocha, Pie Pumpkins, and Spaghetti Squash varieties that are plentiful for the fall.


Organic Hass Avocados will be promotable during October from Mexico. Look for promotions on Fair Trade Organic Equal Exchange fruit for the month of October, including their new 8/4ct pack in a recyclable cardboard box. Organic Green Skin Avocados from Florida will be finished in early October.


Organic Colored Bell Peppers remain scarce from both Canada and Holland. The good news is that all indications point to an increase in supply volume later in the month and eventual price normalization. Organic Red Bell Peppers have been in the shortest supply. While quality has remained high despite supply difficulties it is anticipated that this trend will continue when quantities begin to increase. Organic Mini Sweet Peppers continue to be difficult to obtain as the east coast season has ended and Mexican supply remains restricted or unavailable. Expect a supply shortage between early and mid-October.

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