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Organic Market Update #280Organic Market Update #280

August 4, 2022

4 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 31, 2022


California Organic Grapes are in great supply with excellent quality, making August and September the best time of the year to promote and merchandise. Organic Green Grapes are coming on strong, benefiting from the heat, resulting in increased sugars and high yields. They will begin to transition from the “Sugarone” to the “Ivory” variety in mid-August. Organic Red Grapes are in good supply and quality has been very good. The main variety is transitioning from “Flames” to “Krissy” the first half of August, while Organic Black Grapes will transition from “Summer Royals” to “Midnights” as the primary variety. Organic Champagne Grapes continue in peak season for early August. This super-sweet red seedless variety has small berries, and the ends of the stem are so tender the whole cluster can be eaten.


Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydew from California are in steady supply with excellent quality and promotable pricing. Organic Galia Melons is in season for a specialty offering, while Organic Mini Seedless Watermelon supplies remain steady in the 6ct size. Quality has been outstanding from both California and Arizona. Organic Seedless Watermelons remain limited from California as growers wind down or decrease acres due to short demand and East Coast production.

Bell Peppers

Organic Color Bell Peppers from Canada and Holland are in good supply with excellent quality as August begins! Organic Mini Sweet Peppers from Mexico remain limited in supply, while local Organic Mini Peppers production as begun in a limited manner.


Equal Exchange Organic Fair Trade Hass Avocados from Mexico have made a return to the market. Organic Hass Avocados continue to fall in price as good volume is being harvested from the “Flor Loca” crop. Some Organic Peru fruit is also available, driving pricing down even further. Organic Green Skin Avocados from Florida are in full production.

Stone Fruit

Organic Cherries are steady heading into August, but supplies will dwindle quickly, with next week looking to be the end of the Organic Cherry crop for the season. Quality has been excellent on all dark sweet cherries. Organic Plums and Pluots from California will be in excellent supply for early August displays. California growers continue with excellent quality on Organic Peaches and Nectarines. Organic Peaches from Washington have started harvesting for the season. Volumes are on the lighter side but will begin to increase this week. Sizing at this point is excellent with most fruit being packed as a 40 size or larger with nice quality. Organic Nectarines from Washington should start this week as the crop is usually ready a week after the peach crop.


Organic Blueberries remain promotable out of Oregon and Washington, with 6oz, pint, and 18oz packs readily available. Organic Raspberry supplies remain steady, as lighter conventional availability has put a strain on the organic markets. California Organic Blackberry supplies are improving slightly with more volume coming later in the month. Organic Strawberry supplies from California have begun to tighten causing pricing to increase. Expect supplies to remain tight in early August due to excessive heat.


Organic Green Leaf, Red Leaf, and Romaine Lettuce remain in good supply out of California and Quebec. Quality, availability, and pricing have remained consistent and are expected to continue through August. Organic Romaine Hearts and Iceberg Lettuce from California have begun to yield lighter supplies, and pricing has begun to increase. Quebec supplies remain limited at best and are not available as a supplement to lighter California supplies.


Organic Broccoli and Cauliflower from California continue to produce strong volumes to start the month, with promotable opportunities available on both commodities. Organic Cauliflower volumes should exceed Organic Broccoli and pricing will be more promotable. Canadian grown Organic Cauliflower volumes have increased, but Organic Broccoli has not performed to expectations.


Organic Fresh Figs are available as the California crop will be available for several months. The first available varieties will be Brown Turkey and Green Sierra Figs. The popular Black Mission variety will be available mid-August.


California grown Organic Garlic is now available, with prices a bit higher this year but the crop is expected to be very nice quality. Organic Shallots are back in season from California starting in this month.

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