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Organic Market Update #272Organic Market Update #272

June 9, 2022

4 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 23, 2022


 Organic Mangos finished May tighter than normal as production was slowed in the growing region of Nayarit, as gaps in supply were longer than anticipated. Fortunately, Tommy Atkins and Kent varieties were not affected, and quality has been outstanding especially on Kent, which will be in good supply throughout June. Organic Ataulfo Honey Mangos will also be promotable this month. Organic Fair Trade Francique Mangos from Haiti are available in limited supply in early June, as product made it onto containers despite facing road blockages and a strike at the piers.



Pennsylvania grown Organic Greens are in full swing as harvests began the final week of May and volumes are expected to grow quickly. Organic Kales (Green, Red and Lacinato), Collards, Dandelion Greens, and Rainbow Chard are expected to have steady supplies throughout the month. Organic Bok Choy, Baby Bok Choy, Green Chard, Red Chard, Kales (Green, Red and Lacinato), Collards, Dandelion Greens, Mustard Greens, and Spinach will also be available from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Organic Herbs volumes from Pennsylvania and New Jersey growers are beginning to increase and Organic Cilantro has started the season strong with harvests beginning in late May, with Organic Parsley and Dill expected to start soon.

Stone Fruit

Organic White and Yellow Peaches and Nectarines are now in good supply, along with Organic Donut PeachesOrganic Apricots are in good, steady supply while Organic Cherries are gapping until Washington begins with a very tight crop towards the end of June. Organic Plums are delayed but will hopefully ramp up towards the middle of June.

Broccoli & Cauliflower

Organic Broccoli from California is in steady supply with strong quality and promotable prices to begin June. East Coast production from North Carolina has ended, but the first week of June marks the first Virginia harvest, to help supplement CA production. Organic Broccoli Rabe and Sweet Baby Broccoli remain steady in volume and pricing with outstanding quality to start June Organic Cauliflower volumes from California continues to experience up and down conditions. After roller-coaster conditions in May, June has started the same way. Expect stable supplies in early June, however promotional opportunities will not be available due to erratic pricing. 

Green Beans

Organic Green Bean volumes from CA continue to increase, with quality and supplies expected to remain strong during early June, while improved pricing will help drive additional sales.

Melons & Watermelons

Organic Cantaloupes are in season from El Centro and Imperial Valley, CA. Organic Honeydew are available from Mexico but will be transitioning to El Centro, with the first fruit having great brix (sugars) and appearance. Organic Galia Melons will begin arrivals this week. Organic Seedless Watermelon prices remain steady, as Mexico is finishing harvests and CA is just getting started. Quality has been excellent. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons remain promotable as supplies continue to come on strong out of Mexico and CA


Organic Green Cabbage from North Carolina is readily available, while the Pennsylvania crop is starting production. Organic Red Cabbage is in light volume from North Carolina, and expected to increase in early June, while Pennsylvania production is expected to begin in mid to late June. Organic Napa and Savoy Cabbages are back in supply, with Organic Napa Cabbage production in Pennsylvania, while Savoy has seen improving supplies from California.


Organic Strawberry prices should become promotable in early June, as production increases out of CA’s Watsonville and Santa Maria regions, on excellent quality. Organic Blueberries will be fairly tight through mid-June, with California harvests beginning with fairly light volume, as Georgia availability continues to decrease.  North Carolina is harvesting with limited volume as well. New Jersey Organic Blueberry harvests are expected to start June 13th, and the Pacific Northwest deal is also expected to start with good harvests around the same time. Organic Blackberry prices remain promotable out of CA. Quality has been excellent and supplies remain strong, as Mexico is winding down. Organic Raspberries remain steady out of CA. Mexico volume is dropping off as warm weather and rain hits the region.

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