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Organic Market Update #271Organic Market Update #271

June 2, 2022

4 Min Read
Organic Market Update

Week 22, 2022


Sweet Corn

Organic Bi-Color Sweet Corn production from California has started. Although volumes will be limited, and tops will be trimmed, availability from the west coast should remain steady through mid-June. East coast Georgia production is expected to begin this week and will work its way up the east coast.



Organic Green Bell Peppers are yielding strong volume and as supplies improve from both Coachella, CA and Georgia farms, pricing will begin to normalize. Organic Color Bell Peppers are extremely limited as both Canadian and Holland growers struggle to produce volume. Reds are the shortest in supply as natural gaps in plants due to growing cycles have created light volumes, while weather conditions have also impacted supplies. Pricing should remain elevated into mid-June before any relief.


Stone Fruit

Organic Yellow, White Peaches, and Yellow Nectarines out of California are in excellent supply. Organic Peaches out of South Carolina will start this week and good supplies are expected. Organic Donut Peaches are in good supply with some small gaps expected between arrivals, keeping prices higher. New crop Organic Red Haven Plums are expected the first week of June and will ramp up weekly. Organic Apricots supplies could run out and gap in mid to late June before Washington gets started in July. California Organic Cherries have finished harvesting for the season and are expected to sell out in late June. The Washington crop will then start in mid-June and is expected to be one of the smallest in the last decade.



Organic Green Cabbage from North Carolina is generating better yields weekly, while Organic Red Cabbage is struggling to size up. Organic Green Cabbage will be sourced primarily from North Carolina in early June, while Red will be sourced from California until North Carolina’s supplies improve. Organic Savoy Cabbage supplies from California have improved and will begin soon on the east coast, while Organic Napa Cabbage remains a struggle from both east and west coast shippers. 



Organic Strawberries will be very promotable heading into June. California is in peak production, and quality has been outstanding. June will be a very strong month to promote. Organic Blackberries and Raspberries are promotable heading into June. Quality has been excellent, and volume is expected to be very strong. Organic Blueberry volumes are a bit snug coming out the Memorial Day holiday as harvests are in transition. Georgia Organic Blueberry crops are finishing up very quickly and are limited. California is expected to get started in early June. North Carolina is starting in a very light way, and volume is limited. Expect higher prices until mid-June when harvests start to pick up.



Organic Cantaloupes are in peak season out of El Centro, with transition in late June into the San Joaquin Valley of California. Organic Honeydews are peaking out of Southern California on sizes 5ct and 6ct. We will see a small gap in growing regions late June as shippers transition into the Brentwood area. Supply will then remain steady through September. Pricing will stay stable this year as planting volume has minimized vs. last year due to high costs and lack of water. East Coast Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydew production will start in early June. Organic Seedless Watermelons continue in season out of Mexico and California. Mexico is in peak production as volume continues to come in strong with excellent quality. California is harvesting out of El Centro, and quality is very nice. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons remain very promotable out of Mexico and California. Both areas are harvesting steady supplies, and quality has been excellent. 



Organic Potatoes have moved out of the desert growing region and up to the Bakersfield, California growing region which will result in much nicer looking Organic Red and Yellow Potatoes


Broccoli and Cauliflower

Organic Broccoli from California has excellent volume and superb quality with promotional opportunities available, while east Coast production from North Carolina is ending. Organic Broccoli Rabe and Sweet Baby Broccoli continue to experience steady volumes and good quality. Organic Cauliflower from California continues to be a roller coaster of availability and price. After strong supplies and promotable pricing earlier in May, supplies tightened quickly driving the cost up. Heading into June, harvests are once again yielding strong supplies, and pricing has begun to fall.

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