Organic Market Update #226Organic Market Update #226
July 15, 2021
Week 28, 2021
Organic Iceberg Lettuce and Romaine Hearts continue with steady production from both California and Québec. Quality from California has been outstanding and Québec product is only beginning but project ted to be outstanding. Promotional opportunities on both items will be available during July. Québec production on Organic Romaine and Leaf Lettuces will overlap New York supplies in July.
Organic Vine Ripe Tomatoes from Lancaster County, PA are starting with very light volumes, with supplies increasing through July. Quality is expected to be excellent. North and South Carolina Organic Grape Tomatoes are available with excellent quality. Organic Beefsteak Tomato prices are steady as harvests out of Canada are slowing down. Organic Cluster Tomatoes supplies from Canada are also slowing down as greenhouses begin to replant for the fall and winter harvests. Organic Heirloom and Darkloom Fair Trade Tomatoes will make a brief return and quality is excellent. “Kaleidos” Mini Snack Medley and “Poppies” Cherry on the Vine Tomatoes are also available with excellent quality.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
Organic Broccoli production from PA is winding down, with main supplies shifting back to California through July, and Québec supplies beginning this week. Pricing remains promotable and quality has been outstanding from California. Organic Cauliflower from California will remain promotable, with strong supplies and excellent quality. Québec shipments are set to begin later this month.

Peppers and Eggplant
Organic Red, Orange, and Yellow Bell Peppers continue with steady availability from Canada and Holland. Pricing and supply volumes are expected to remain stable throughout the month. Quality from both growing regions is outstanding! Organic Green Peppers and Eggplant supplies are strong from the Carolinas. Expect steady supplies and stable pricing through July.
Organic Seedless Watermelons are available from California and quality has been outstanding. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons are available from Arizona and California, with good supplies and outstanding quality.
Organic Celery from California continues to be plentiful in July. Quality remains top-notch and pricing is promotable. East Coast production will also be available in mid-July!
Organic Blueberries have rebounded from the high heat out west, with crop losses not as high as initially expected in the Pacific Northwest. Expect steady pricing in July on both pints and 18 oz fruit. New Jersey blueberry production has finished for the year. Organic Blackberries from the west were damaged by the heat, causing supplies to be more limited than expected. The market trend should reverse directions later this month. Organic Raspberries have also been affected by the high heat, resulting in softer fruit. Cooler weather is on the horizon, and quality should improve as we move forward. Expect steady supplies and pricing, with the occasional promotional opportunity. Organic Strawberries from the west have also experienced higher temperatures in growing areas. Fruit at the packing sheds looks great, but the ride across the country has caused inevitable bruising. With some cooler weather, supplies and conditions will improve.
Now is the time to promote Organic Mangos by building huge summer displays! Organic Hass Avocados from Mexico took a dip in supply the first week of July, and availability has tightened considerably. Expect fruit prices to rise quickly as the season comes to an end. The Flor Loca season for organics will begin in the middle to end of July. In the meantime, there will be good supplies of Peru 48ct and 60ct fruit, along with some limited 48ct California fruit. Fair Trade Organic Hass Avocados from Peru in the Equal Exchange Fair Trade label are available through July. Organic Pineapples have been steady and will continue to be through the beginning of July. Organic Jackfruit from Florida is now available as Organic Lychee from Florida has finished for the season.