Organic Market Update #223Organic Market Update #223
June 24, 2021
Week 25, 2021
Organic Dark Sweet and Rainier Cherry supplies will transition from California to Washington in mid-July. Washington is expecting an excellent crop, with promotable opportunities. Organic Yellow Peaches and Nectarines are also expected to be in excellent supply. Organic White Peaches will be a little bit of a struggle until late June as varieties transition, while Organic White Nectarines supplies should be plentiful. Organic Red Plums, Black Plums, and Pluots supplies will continue improve on excellent quality.
Organic Blueberries are finishing for the season out of Mexico and California. A short local crop out of New Jersey will be available through mid-July. Heading into July, the Pacific Northwest growers are expected to produce the biggest Organic Blueberry crop in history. Expect excellent quality and outstanding promotional opportunities. Organic Blackberry supplies are in a transition from Mexico to California. Following some tighter supplies due to the transition, overall availability is expected to be excellent, with cooler weather expected to improve quality. With cooler temperatures, Organic Raspberries are expected to have excellent quality and supplies heading into July. Organic Strawberry quality should be improving, and excellent supplies should be available heading into July.
Organic Zucchini from GA remains in strong production, with production expected to wind down in early July. Local PA, NJ and OH harvesting has begun, creating a seamless transition from Georgia to local production. Organic Yellow Squash from South Carolina continues steady production with excellent quality, with late June offering improved pricing. PA and NJ Organic Yellow Squash will begin harvests soon, providing seamless transition into local product.
Organic Hass Avocados should be steady in supplies though the end of the month as Mexico, California, and Peru all have fruit in the marketplace. Prices should remain steady through June.
Organic Mini Seedless Cucumbers will be promotable from Canada and Mexico on excellent quality. Organic Cucumbers from Georgia are ending in late June; however other East Coast production is strong, so expect consistent supplies throughout the rest of the month.
Organic Artichokes production remains steady from California through June. Expect pricing and supplies to remain consistent entering July, with quality improving.
Organic Seedless Watermelons from California shows excellent quality on new crop production. Organic Yumi Black-Skinned Watermelons will be available as well coming from California. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons will be available from California and Arizona as Mexico production winds down. Prices will be higher as production shifts from growing areas. Quality should be excellent on the new harvests.
Organic Fair Trade Francique Mangos production is winding down. Fruit continues to be very juicy and flavorful, but we have seen some enlarged lenticels that affect appearance, but not the internal fruit.