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Organic Grower Summit offers continuing education opportunitiesOrganic Grower Summit offers continuing education opportunities

Attendees can earn Continuing Education Units through the Certified Crop Advisor at the upcoming Organic Grower Summit. Cutting-edge topics span five categories. Get the details to plan your conference.

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At a Glance

  • Industry experts and thought leaders will lead professional development courses
  • Topics range from ag-tech’s profit-growing potential for organic farms to whole systems pest management
  • Get the grower/retailer POV on regenerative vs. certified organic

The Organic Grower Summit (OGS) is now offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through the Certified Crop Adviser program for the upcoming event, taking place Dec. 4-5 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel & Spa. Not only does OGS promise to deliver networking, innovation and product sourcing, attendees now benefit from organic industry professional development.

This year’s event is packed with engaging seminars, cutting-edge ag tech and meaningful networking experiences designed to inspire and empower organic agriculture professionals. With CEUs available in five categories, attendees can advance their expertise while addressing critical topics across sustainability and innovation.

Throughout the two-day summit, participants who attend any of these sessions, led by industry experts and thought leaders, can earn one CEU per session:

Will ag tech make organic farms more profitable?
Professional Development CEUs: 1
8-9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
Robots and AI make headlines, but when will this new technology have a practical, profitable impact on organic farms? What needs to happen to get appropriate technology into the hands of farmers?

Regenerating Soil Health with Organic Practices
Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1
8-9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) released a toolkit emphasizing the potential of organic systems to enhance soil health and improve soil structure and organic matter. In this session, growers and researchers will share insights on organic practices that improve soil health and build on-farm resilience.

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A whole system’s approach to managing pests and weeds?
A rundown on best practices
Integrated Pest Management CEUs: 1
9-10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
Weeds can be the most expensive thing on an organic farm, and quite often fewer weeds means more profit.  To be sure, managing weeds and pests in an organic operation takes more management skill and outside-the-box thinking than conventional operations.

Can organics become a $144 billion market?
Professional Development CEUs: 1
9-10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
Is organic the future of food? If so, what needs to happen for the U.S. market to grow from today's $60 billion to a projected $144 billion by 2032? Will certain categories grow faster than others, and why?

What's available to farmers transitioning to organic: Growers and experts share tools and best practices
Crop Management CEUs: 1
10-11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
Curious about organic, but don't know where to start? Worried that conventional pest control and nutrient management tools may not be available tomorrow?

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Organic, regenerative or both: What does the market want?
Grower and retailer point of view
Sustainability CEUs: 1
10-11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
Does regenerative ag muddy the water on certified organic? If so, what does that mean from a marketing perspective? Who is the regen customer, what matters to them, and will they pay for it?

How's SOE going so far?
Professional Development CEUs: 1
10:15-11:15 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4
Fraud is by far the biggest threat to the integrity and continued growth of organic food, a $62 billion industry in the United States. To combat fraud, USDA issued its SOE (Strengthening Organic Enforcement) rule. Operations and certifiers must have fully complied with the rule by March 19.

To view the full schedule of events and to register, visit the Organic Grower Summit’s website. Special grower pricing is available for Western Growers Association and California Certified Organic Farmers members. Reach out to their membership teams for a registration code.

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Organic Grower Summit

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Organic Produce Network staff

Organic Produce Network

Organic Produce Network staff

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