NEW FEATURE: Organic Market UpdateNEW FEATURE: Organic Market Update
January 28, 2021
In partnership with Four Seasons Produce, each week OPN will be providing brief commodity updates on selected organic items. These commodity snapshots are designed to provide an overview of the availability, production and sourcing areas, as well as pricing guidance of items in the organic marketplace.
California Organic Minneola Tangelos are now in peak season with larger sizing prominent. New crop California Organic Kumquats in 12/8oz clamshells are expected in limited supply at the end of the month. Bagged Organic Mandarins are in excellent supply with steady prices from most brands. Organic Clementine Mandarins are finished and have transitioned into Organic Page Mandarins before transitioning into the delicious Organic Tango Mandarins in February. Organic Blood Oranges are limited with some minor gaps, and smaller sizing. California Organic Navel Oranges supply is excellent on all sizes (40, 48, 56, 72, & 88ct) and bags, with Pricing trending downward. California Organic Pummelos and Cara Cara Oranges also continue in season.
Organic Hass Avocado continue to have ample supplies and promotional pricing opportunities. Quality has been nice out of Mexico and supply chains have recovered from the holiday interruptions. Organic Green Smooth Skin Avocados are finished for the season out of Florida. Organic Formosa Papayas are back in stock and are projected to remain steady through January, with excellent quality and sizing. Organic Kent Mangos from Peru have been arriving with excellent quality. Pricing will increase due to light supplies. First of the season Organic Ataulfo (Honey) Mangos are set to arrive at the end of January. Organic Pineapple supplies have been limited since the beginning of the year and growers report harvests and US arrivals will be light through mid-February. Organic Young Thai Coconuts will once again be limited in supply due to shortages and port delays. Organic “Raw Drink & Eat” Coconuts are available but subject to similar port delays.
Brussels Sprouts
Organic Brussels Sprouts from Mexico are in peak season availability and quality. With good supplies on both 10lb and 25lb cases, this is a great time to promote.
The main Organic Grape growing regions in Northern Peru are winding down their season. Green Seedless will go through early to mid-February and Red Seedless are likely to end by early February. Red Globe Seeded will remain in season through February. A newer Organic Grape growing region in Southern Peru may have more product shipping to the US to extend the season on the seedless varieties.
Organic Blueberries out of Chile are in extremely limited supplies, with high prices projected through the end of the month. However, improved Organic Blueberries supplies are just around the corner as ports catch up and peak season volumes arrive. Organic Blackberries out of California and Mexico have firmed as rain and cold weather hit Mexico. Organic Raspberry supplies from Mexico have also tightened significantly and are expected to remain limited through mid-February, with potential pro- rates or gaps. Organic Strawberry supplies out of Florida, California, and Mexico remain limited and pricing higher.
Organic Mini Sweet Peppers are expected to have better availability and supplies heading into February. Organic Green Peppers from Florida continue production through the end of the month with pricing holding steady. Mexican product will supplement those supplies with pricing and availability expected to remain steady. Organic Red, Yellow, and Orange Bell Peppers from Israel are higher priced, as air freight to import the products are driving the cost up. Supplies of Organic Colored Bell Peppers from Mexico are light, and pricing is expensive. As production improves, look for pricing to improve in February.
Organic Cucumbers from Mexico continue to have high yields, strong quality, and favorable price points. Organic Euro Seedless and Mini Seedless Cucumbers will have limited supplies through January out of Mexico due to cooler weather.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
During most of January, Organic Broccoli has seen steady availability, with outstanding quality, at an excellent price point from Yuma, AZ and El Centro, CA. As February approaches, expect supplies to slightly tighten and pricing will inch up as rain-soaked weather conditions in growing region slow down harvesting. Organic Sweet Baby Broccoli and Broccoli Rabe are in steady supplies but expected to tighten due to the same weather-related issues. Organic Cauliflower supplies have been plentiful, and despite the wet weather conditions causing difficulty in harvesting, are expected to remain abundant. Promo pricing and nice quality should continue into early February.
Organic Asparagus is coming back into season as new growing regions start in Mexico during late January. Supplies will be limited to start but will improve during February. Growers are expecting outstanding quality.
Organic Roma Tomatoes continue to be promotable out of Mexico, with quality rated as excellent. Organic Beefsteak and Cluster Tomatoes remain on the pricey side heading into February out of Canada and Mexico. Greenhouses continue to have limited yields due to cold and cloudy weather, as artificial lighting does not produce the same yields in Canada. Organic Grape Tomatoes will be available in good supplies out of Mexico for late January, with excellent quality.