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Market update #376Market update #376

June 20, 2024

6 Min Read
Market update

JUNE 14 - JUNE 20, 2024


Stone Fruit

Plums, plus some specialty availability of Organic Cherry Plums and Organic Gold Rush Plums expected to trickle in through the middle of June. Organic Plumcots from South Carolina have finished for the season. California Organic Peaches and Nectarines are sizing up, with improving supplies. Big promotions are expected in July! Organic White Peaches and Nectarines, as well as Red and Black Plums and Pluots, are available and then are expected to have excellent supplies in July. Organic Cherries are transitioning from California to Washington, with the late California fruit offering excellent flavor and better pricing. The transition will complete by mid-June. Time to promote! California Organic Apricots are still promotable for June, with excellent quality and good prices. 


Organic Hass Avocado supplies took a dip for the second week of June and are expected to stay tight throughout the rest of the month. Expect pricing to rise as well. Peru has some limited Organic Hass Avocados that will be available over the summer. 


New crop Mexico Organic Grapes are seeing easing prices with outstanding quality. Continue to push and promote, especially Red Grapes, through June. On the specialty side, Organic Gummy Berries and Cotton Candy Grapes are available, with Organic Jelly Berries on the way. 


Organic Broccoli from California has shifted supply as production has become lighter in mid-June, driving increases in cost. Expect these conditions to remain unfavorable throughout the remainder of the month of June and as July approaches. New crop Quebec production will become available as we move towards July to provide additional relief. 


Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydews from California are increasing in supply, with markets slowly dropping to promotable prices. Organic Galia and Hami Melons are also available in season and provide opportunity to add new flavor and texture to Organic Melon sets. YUMI Organic Black Seedless Watermelons in 50 ct high graphic bins will be available by June 18. Reserve yours now! Full-size Organic Watermelon are becoming more limited for mid-June amidst high demand and planting gaps. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons are in good supply from California. Organic Yellow Flesh Watermelons will be available by June 19. 


Organic Ginger volume from Peru is coming on strong with a new season kicking off. Expect quality to continue to improve while pricing should begin to drop to more promotable levels. Organic Pineapple volumes have rebounded a bit and should be steady for the middle of June. Quality has been very nice. Organic Lychee, Jackfruit, Sapodilla and Egg-fruit (Canistel) are all now available from Florida! Get them while you can! Organic Royal Star Papayas will be extremely limited for the beginning of June. Expect out-of-stock inventory on this item. Organic Young Thai Coconuts are out of stock for the month of June. 


Organic Green Peppers have seen a significant jump in market pricing due to the end of Mexico’s crop and disease pressure in Canada greenhouses affecting supply. This high market is expected to persist. Greenhouse Organic Color Peppers will remain tight for the rest of June, primarily arriving from Canada with excellent quality. 


New Jersey Organic Blueberry volumes are excellent with warm sunny weather bringing the crop on fast. Now is a great time to promote as pricing is very aggressive! Quality is excellent for the first harvest of the season. Peak season Organic Blueberries will continue to be abundant from California. Driscoll’s California crop will be promotable for June. Quality has been excellent. The first New Jersey Organic Blackberries will be available June 19. Organic Raspberries will remain very promotable again this week and supplies continue to cross from Mexico. Quality has been nice. Organic Strawberries are in steady supply and pricing continues to be at reasonable levels. 

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