Market update #375Market update #375
June 12, 2024
JUNE 7 - JUNE 13, 2024
Organic Asparagus is in very short supply as we experience a production gap for June. There is very little availability from New Jersey, and all other regions have finished. Mexico is expected to resume production around the start of July.

New crop Organic Galia Melons will be available by June 13th, and Organic Hami Melons from California will be in season shortly after. Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydews from California have had a strong start, with pricing expected to decrease to promotable levels during the month of June. Organic Seedless Watermelon bins continue to be available from Mexico and Southern California. Quality has been outstanding. Organic Mini Seedless Watermelons continue to be promotable from Mexico and Southern California, with excellent quality and plentiful supplies.

For mid-June, Organic Onion growing regions will begin to transition from the desert in El Centro, California, to the San Joaquin and Central Valley regions of California. Organic Red Onions will commence shipping from Hollister, CA, with products loading now and available soon under the Hummingbird label. Organic Red Onions from El Centro will wrap up, causing a slight gap that will continue until later this month. Organic Yellow and White Onions will transition to Firebaugh, CA, with product loading soon. While we don’t anticipate significant supply gaps, some minor volatility in supply might occur during this transition. Organic Vidalia Sweet Onions will be in season for late to mid-June.

Organic Grape pricing continues to decline across all colors, with outstanding quality from Mexico’s new crop harvests. Promote through June! Organic “Gummy Berry” Grapes are available, and Organic “Cotton Candy” Grapes are expected in by June 12.

Stone Fruit
California Organic Cherries are finishing strong with excellent quality and supply. We will transition to an excellent crop from Washington in the middle of June, with good sizing on Organic Red Cherries for June and July, and a limited supply of Organic Rainier Cherries at the end of June and July. Organic Apricots are in great supply with top quality, so be sure to promote them in June. California Organic Nectarine quality has been excellent, with supplies catching up. Expect good supplies of well-sized fruit by mid-June. California Organic White Nectarines have been slower to fill the pipeline, but better supplies are expected in mid-June. Organic Yellow Peaches from California are now available in 2-layer, 18lb and Euro 16lb cartons, as well as 12/2lb pouch bags. Excellent quality is expected. Organic Eastern Yellow Peaches from South Carolina are sporadic due to packing and logistics, but supplies should improve over the month of June.

Peak season Organic Blueberries will continue to be abundant from California and promotable for June. Quality has been excellent. New Jersey Organic Blueberries will also be available by June 10, a little earlier than planned, with limited volumes to start. Supplies should increase as we get into late June, with excellent quality expected. Organic Blackberries are available from Mexico with a transition to new crop California fruit expected during mid-June. Supplies should be steady with minimal transition challenges. This California fruit is some of the best tasting fruit of the whole year! Organic Raspberry prices are expected to inch up as Central Mexico crops finish. California will come into season. Quality has been nice and is expected to remain excellent. Organic Strawberry prices will increase slightly to curb demand. Some growers have experienced crop issues (mites), tightening supplies while demand remains strong. Quality has been outstanding.

June's Mango Mania season has had a strong start! Demand for Organic Mangos has been high. Moving forward, supplies will be excellent this month, with higher quality, cleaner looking fruit expected, especially for the Organic Ataulfo Honey Mango variety, from new growing regions.

Broccoli and Cauliflower
Organic Broccoli from California continues to have favorable quality and strong availability. Costs remain average with no shortage of supply. Expect these conditions to remain throughout June and into July. Note: Organic Cauliflower has quickly shifted lower in volume, so expect elevated costs for mid-June.