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Market Update #367Market Update #367

April 18, 2024

5 Min Read
Market Update

APRIL 12 - APRIL 19, 2024



Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, and Beans

Organic Asparagus continues out of Mexico, but pricing has risen as supplies have slowed down. Harvests of Organic Asparagus in California have begun in a very light manner, while New Jersey expects to start in mid-April with very light supplies. Acreage is down in New Jersey this season, so expect very limited availability. Mid- April is still a great time to promote Mexican Organic Green Beans and Brussels Sprouts, as supplies are plentiful and prices are competitive. However, as the month progresses, the outlook for both commodities will start to change due to a decline in volume, resulting in price increases.



Organic Cantaloupes and Honeydew are expected from Mexico around mid to late April. They will be available from California in May through October! Organic Mini Seedless Watermelon harvests are expected to increase out of Mexico. Pricing should start to ease off in late April, with better availability arriving just in time for warmer weather.



Organic Cluster Tomatoes are arriving with outstanding quality and will be promotable through the month of April, with plenty of volume coming down the pipeline. This is causing market prices to fall. Organic Grape Tomatoes will be promotable through the end of April, with lots of deals available for stores looking to build satellite displays. Organic Medley, Cherry, Cocktails, and other Snacking Tomato varieties are all starting to see significant yields and volume coming into the market, causing this pricing to fall rapidly. Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes are arriving smaller in size, but volume it is steady. Quality is fantastic. Expect the size to increase by the end of April. Organic Roma Tomatoes have become tight, but with no real change in demand, expect this market to stay steady. By the end of April, Mexico and Florida should have more volume, just in time for Cinco de Mayo.


Stone Fruit

It’s time to get excited for Organic Stone Fruit! California Organic Apricots, Cherries, Yellow & White Peaches, and Yellow Nectarines will appear in early May. By the second or third week of May, there should be promotional volumes on all of these varieties.


Hard Squash

Organic Hard Squash is transitioning between growing regions in Mexico. Organic Acorn and Spaghetti Squash have become slightly more limited, causing market pricing to increase slightly. We should see better supply going forward. Organic Butternut Squash is in very good supply as we transition into new crop regions in mid-April, with steady supply and pricing. Although Organic Kabocha sizing has been somewhat small, we anticipate steady supply and pricing. Organic Delicata Squash will get started again. Expect to be back in stock by late April.


Broccoli and Cauliflower

Organic Broccoli has finished its northward migration to Salinas, California, and is still consistently available. Although prices have gone up, they are still reasonable in mid-April. Compared to bunched products, the cost of Organic Broccoli Crowns has increased more quickly. An excellent alternative will soon be available, with East Coast production from North Carolina starting in late April. April has seen a slight improvement in the availability of Organic Cauliflower, but prices are still elevated. Since the move to Salinas, the quality has been excellent. We anticipate that conditions will improve throughout April.



Organic Round Mangos from are in good supply. Look for lower pricing and greater availability by the end of April. Expect future promotional opportunities for Cinco de Mayo. There are limited volumes of Organic Ataulfo Honey Mangos available. We expected the volume to have rebounded and stabilized by now, but the increase has not yet materialized.


Warm Vegetables

Organic Warm Vegetables (Eggplant, Cucumber, Squash, Pepper, Cabbage) are arriving with great quality from Mexico and Florida. We’re seeing a lot of volume and availability coming out of Florida right now, which is creating a smaller market for this category. Additionally, there are already items available from New Jersey.





Organic Blackberries remain steady out of Mexico, with pricing and quality holding at very nice levels. Organic Raspberry production has tightened up out of Mexico and California. Stronger demand and slower harvests have created limited availability, but expect stable pricing with perhaps slight increases. The quality remains very nice. Organic Strawberries have been tight out of California due to rain and cool temperatures in Baja limiting availability. Quality has remained nice and pricing is on the rise. Greenhouse-grown Organic Strawberries are available out of Ohio with pricing expected to decrease as production increases. Organic Blueberries continue to be extremely limited overall. Growers are in the midst of significant transitions, and late containers of Peruvian and Chilean fruit constitute the bulk of available stock. California production will commence in mid-April to early May, along with some Southeast production. We can anticipate relief in late April or early May.

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