"Managing Organic Production Systems to Promote Plant Health" - Organic Grower Summit Announces Education Session"Managing Organic Production Systems to Promote Plant Health" - Organic Grower Summit Announces Education Session
October 11, 2018

The second of six educational sessions finalized for the 2018 Organic Grower Summit will focus on managing the challenges of plant health in organic production systems. “Managing Organic Production Systems to Promote Plant Health” will feature organic industry experts in plant health offering a deep dive discussion on maintaining plant health without the use of synthetic inputs to enhance plant nutrition or control pests and disease.
The 50-minute long educational session will address current research on organic crop fertility management practices, and organic strategies for managing insect pests and diseases. Organic industry leaders will discuss new agronomic tools and organic products available to organic growers, as well as ecologically-based approaches to disrupt pest and disease cycles, and improve plant health.
Panelists for the session include:
Moderated by:
Brise Tencer, executive director, Organic Farming Research Foundation
Featured Speakers:
Ehsan Toosi, director of research and development, True Organic Products
Pam Marrone, founder and CEO, Marrone Bio Innovations
Tim Schultz, vice president of research and development, Lundberg Family Farms

Pictured from L to R: Brise Tencer, executive director, Organic Farming Research Foundation; Ehsan Toosi, director of research and development, True Organic Products; Pam Marrone, founder and CEO, Marrone Bio Innovations; Tim Schultz, vice president of research and development, Lundberg Family Farms.
"In our national survey of organic farmers, pest and disease management emerged as a top priority, along with soil health," said Brise Tencer, executive director at OFRF. "There's a wealth of new research available that addresses the unique challenges facing organic farmers and ranchers, and we are excited about the opportunity to get the latest information and resources out to more producers."
The Organic Grower Summit, a joint production between California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and Organic Produce Network (OPN), brings together organic growers, producers and processors for two days of education, information and networking opportunities with organic production supply chain and service providers.
Attendee registration for OGS is $499, with discounts available for CCOF members and government and educational members. Registration to OGS is all-inclusive, and includes admittance to the opening reception, educational sessions, keynote presentations, breakfast, and lunch and trade show floor.
Participating grower attendees have an opportunity to meet with a team of Costco buyers as part of a special "Meet the Grower" opportunity. This unique session provides certified organic farmers and grower representatives the opportunity to meet face to face with Costco organic produce, dairy, meat and wine buyers to discuss their operations and products.
Attendees also have the opportunity to purchase tickets to a pair of additional activities: the 2018 CannaBus Tour from 8 am – 12 pm on Wednesday, December 12th and the CCOF Foundation Dinner on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm
Over 50 sponsors have confirmed their support of OGS. The tradeshow floor is nearly sold-out, with only a few exhibitor spaces remaining. Exhibitors include soil amendment, bio-pesticide, seed, packaging, food safety, ag technology, and equipment manufacturers who will be connecting with organic field production staff, supply chain managers, pest management advisors, and food safety experts.
For further information about OGS 2018, please visit www.organicgrowersummit.com