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First OPS 2024 Educational Session AnnouncedFirst OPS 2024 Educational Session Announced

February 22, 2024

3 Min Read
First OPS 2024 Educational Session Announced

Exploring the opportunities and obstacles in the growing and selling of organic fresh fruits will be the subject of the first-announced educational session at Organic Produce Summit 2024—"Strategies and Insights for Expanding Organic Fruit Sales."

Panelists for the session include West Mathison, President and CEO of Stemilt; Scott Mabs, CEO of Homegrown Organic Farms; and Daniel Spivey, National Director of Produce for Fruit for Sprouts Farmers Market. The session will be moderated by Tom Barnes, President/CEO of Category Partners.





As the berry category dominates organic fruit production, other large fruit categories offer opportunities for growth and greater consumer sales. This session will delve into ways companies producing apples, stone fruit, citrus, and grapes are seeking to increase sales and will give a retail perspective on what’s working to drive sales, what’s not, and what the future growth of the organic fruit industry may look like.  Included in the conversation will be the roles variety, packs, sizing, flavor, pricing, and product innovation play in increasing sales at retail.

“The goal of the session is to empower producers and retailers alike with knowledge and insights to navigate and succeed in this ever-changing market,” said Barnes. “This session will highlight both the opportunities and challenges of growing and selling organic fruits, offering a comprehensive retail perspective on what's effectively driving sales and what the future holds for the organic fruit industry.”

“The goal of the session is to empower producers and retailers alike with knowledge and insights to navigate and succeed in this ever-changing market." - Tom Barnes

Organic Produce Summit 2024 is a two-day event specifically designed to bring together organic fresh produce growers, shippers, and processors with retailers and buying organizations from across North America. The seventh annual event will be held July 10-11 in Monterey, California.

The announcement of "Strategies and Insights for Expanding Organic Fruit Sales" is the first of six educational sessions and pair of keynotes available for attendees. OPS 2024 will also include a selection of field tours for retailers and buyers, a gala opening night reception, and a sold-out trade show floor featuring over 170 producers and processors of organic fresh produce from across North America and the globe. Additionally, several new activities are planned for OPS attendees and will be announced in the coming weeks.

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