Duncan Family Farms Launches New Branded Line of Organic Packaged HerbsDuncan Family Farms Launches New Branded Line of Organic Packaged Herbs
November 25, 2021

Duncan Family Farms, the Goodyear, AZ-based organic vegetable grower-shipper, recently released a new line of packaged herbs under its eponymous brand.

Duncan Family Farms organic packaged herbs
“While we have been growing herbs on our Arizona farm for several years as a raw material supplier for other brands and foodservice, in July we launched a full line of culinary herbs under the Duncan Family Farms brand in several local retail outlets in Arizona and have plans to continue to grow our program regionally and nationally,” said Patty Emmert, community relations and marketing manager for Duncan Family Farms.

Patty Emmert, Community Relations and Marketing Manager, Duncan Family Farms
The new Duncan Family Farms certified organic herb line will be available year-round and includes basil, Thai basil, bay leaves, chervil, chives, dill, edible flowers, lemongrass, marjoram, mint, oregano, poultry bouquet, rosemary, sage, savory, sorrel, tarragon, and thyme. The company is also trialing new varieties to add to its herb portfolio.

Sage field, Duncan Family Farms
Duncan Family Farms decided to create its new herb line in response to requests from the local Arizona community for Duncan-branded product as well as research showing strong sales growth in the organic herb category.
The new Duncan Family Farms certified organic herb line will be available year-round and includes basil, Thai basil, bay leaves, chervil, chives, dill, edible flowers, lemongrass, marjoram, mint, oregano, poultry bouquet, rosemary, sage, savory, sorrel, tarragon, and thyme.
“We are excited to offer a year-round Arizona-grown product to our local customers and to continue to grow that reach regionally and nationally,” said Emmert. “All products are certified organic and carry global GAP certification for food safety. Our agronomic practices are rooted in soil health, and we are currently working on additional certifications that highlight the sustainable growing practices we adhere to with all our products.”
Mint, Duncan Family Farms
So far, Emmert said, the consumer and retailer response to the new line has been great. “We have received a very enthusiastic and successful launch into the local space here in Arizona. Both our retail customers and the consumer have provided very positive feedback,” said Emmert. “Arnott Duncan is a fourth-generation Arizona farmer, and our community is very excited to see Duncan Family Farms products available in retail outlets. We look forward to expanding the brand and will follow with other exciting options as we continue to grow.”
“All products are certified organic and carry global GAP certification for food safety. Our agronomic practices are rooted in soil health, and we are currently working on additional certifications that highlight the sustainable growing practices we adhere to with all our products.” – Patty Emmert

Arnott Duncan, Founder, Duncan Family Farms
Founded by Arnott Duncan in 1985, Duncan Family Farms grows a variety of organic leafy greens, lettuces, vegetables, and herbs on several farms in Arizona, California, Oregon, and New York. The company’s products are not only distributed across the US and Canada but into the UK as well. Duncan Family Farms is one of the only large-scale commercial farms to have its own composting operations, and it diverts over 10,000 tons of green waste each year from local municipalities, golf courses, dairies, and horse racing tracks. With the motto, “Taking Care of the Land. Taking Care of People,” Duncan Family Farms is dedicated to growing clean, healthy, life-giving organic produce while also improving the environment and giving back to its local communities.